Europe 1 with AFP // Photo credit: GEOFFROY VAN DER HASSELT / AFP 21:11 p.m., November 27, 2023, modified at 21:16 p.m., November 27, 2023

To compensate and finance transport costs during the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, Ile-de-France Mobilités will increase the price of metro tickets and a special package for visitors will be put in place. The metro ticket will increase to 4 euros from 2.10 euros today, according to Valérie Pécresse.

The price of the Paris metro ticket per unit will almost double during the summer, announced the president of the Ile-de-France transport union IDFM, Valérie Pécresse, who wants to finance the additional cost of transport related to the Paris 2024 Olympics. The metro ticket will thus increase to 4 euros (from 2.10 euros currently) and the carnet to 32 euros (from 16.90 euros), announced Valérie Pécresse in a video published on X (ex-Twitter). Monthly and annual Navigo passes, Imagin'R and senior passes "will not be affected by these increases", said Pécresse, who also announced the launch of a special pass for visitors.

A new package at "70 euros per week"

"On the occasion of the Olympic Games", "we will create a new pass, the Paris 2024 Pass, which will allow visitors to move throughout the Ile-de-France", said in a video published on X (ex-Twitter) Valérie Pécresse. This new package, which will be available from July 20 to September 8, "will cost 16 euros per day", with a decreasing rate depending on the number of days, and "70 euros per week". It will allow travellers to access the entire Ile-de-France network, including airports and Orlyval, IDFM told AFP.

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"It's the right price," says Valérie Pécresse, for whom there is "no question of Ile-de-France residents paying" the additional cost, which she estimates at 200 million euros, generated by the Olympic Games. In order to transport some 10 million spectators, the RATP and SNCF will be forced to significantly increase the number and frequency of their trains on the Ile-de-France network. To force occasional passengers to go for the Olympic Games package and limit the queues generated by the massive purchase of single tickets, the price of these will be temporarily increased at the same time.

The price of the journey to the airports will also be increased (16 euros, compared to about 11 euros currently for Roissy and Orly) and "the other day and week passes will be suspended", adds Le Parisien, according to an interview with the president of IDFM. "Subscribers who have a monthly or annual Navigo, an Imagin'R pass or a senior pass will not be affected by these increases," Valérie Pécresse said in her video. It advises "occasional travellers" outside the Olympics to anticipate and "buy their ticket before 20 July, either on an Easy card or on Liberté+, so as not to be impacted by these increases".

The adoption of these new fares is subject to the vote of the IDFM Board of Directors on December 7, the Ile-de-France transport authority told AFP.