"For me, it's a show for the gallery, but I'm most worried about young people and integration. Not everyone is able to resist these strong expressions, some sink, you lose hope, says Yusuf Abdow, chairman of Örebro mosque.

Major fire in 2017

Six years ago, large parts of the mosque in Örebro burned down. A young man was subsequently sentenced to forensic psychiatric care for aggravated arson. It has taken time to rebuild everything, but last year a new concrete building was completed. When Jimmy Åkesson (SD) says this weekend that some mosques will be demolished and that new ones will be stopped from being built, it creates concern.

"I'm still a bit shocked by this. People get scared and we are not just adults, we have children and young people who have all their futures here.

Hope to move in in the spring

Yusuf Abdow does not believe that Åkesson's statement will affect the completion of the mosque in Örebro and the work to get everything inside ready continues.

"Ramadan is coming up, it's the month of forgiveness and fellowship, and I hope we manage to finish it in the spring. We won't be completely finished by then, but at least so that we can be there.