, Beijing, November 11 (Reporter Guo Chaokai) Wang Yi, member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs, met with reporters after holding talks with French Foreign Minister Colonna in Beijing on the 25th.

Wang Yi said that China-France relations have a resilient historical heritage, a pioneering spirit that dares to be the first, and an independent and rational strategic consciousness. In a turbulent and changing world, it is strategic and leading. China and France unanimously agreed to take the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France next year as an opportunity to continue the tradition and face the future, and under the guidance of the two heads of state, build a stronger and more dynamic China-France comprehensive strategic partnership.

Wang Yi said that in the next stage, the two sides will work together to do the following:

The first is to work together to run the "Sino-French Year". The two sides will hold a variety of celebrations around the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and France and the Year of Culture and Tourism. China and France are both cultural powers, and we look forward to playing a leading role with France in the dialogue between Eastern and Western civilizations. I hope that the people of the two countries will move around, come and communicate more.

Second, we need to deepen all-round and high-quality cooperation. The two sides will continue to make good use of the three dialogue mechanisms of strategy, economy and finance, and people-to-people dialogue, create new channels for exchange and dialogue, deepen cooperation in traditional areas of strength such as civil nuclear energy and aerospace, tap the potential of cooperation in emerging areas such as education and scientific research, energy transition and sustainable development, actively explore third-party market cooperation, and promote the high-quality development of the Belt and Road Initiative.

The third is to expand the level of mutual opening-up. China is ready to work with France to make the "From French Farm to Chinese Table" mechanism a "golden signboard" for Sino-French cooperation. China continues to promote high-quality development and high-level opening-up, and is willing to provide opportunities for more French companies to develop in China, and hopes that the French side will continue to provide a good business environment for Chinese enterprises.

Fourth, we need to work together to address global challenges. The two sides agreed to jointly uphold the institutional framework of the Paris Agreement and support the success of the United Nations Climate Change Conference in Dubai. The two sides will continue to strengthen cooperation on multilateral issues, and make positive contributions to enhancing North-South dialogue and East-West exchanges, and promoting the well-being of all mankind. (ENDS)