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  • Justice 'Tsunami' judge asks the Supreme Court to investigate Puigdemont for terrorism

The bulk of the Catalan independence movement has welcomed the future approval of an amnesty law for those accused of the Catalan independence process, already in parliamentary process. However, as the President of the Generalitat, Pere Aragonès, has repeated on several occasions, including in his appearance in the Senate last October, the measure of grace only sets the counter to zero to restart the path towards self-determination.

An identical message to the one delivered today by the president of Òmnium Cultural, Xavier Antich: "The amnesty is not the end of anything, no matter how much the PSOE insists on repeating it, nor is it a capitulation or a renunciation". And the direction of the path to follow is explicit: "We have to prepare the playing field again to vote and win."

At an event held in L'Hospitalet de Llobregat under an explicit slogan ("With amnesty towards self-determination"), the sovereigntist entity warned of the "sabotage with which many judges will want to prevent the application of the law". For this reason, Antich has announced that they will create "a receivership" to oversee the implementation of the legal norm through "a systematic and exhaustive follow-up" of each case.

"Let's get active and mobilise until the amnesty becomes a reality," urged the leader of Òmnium, an association that, together with the Catalan National Assembly, organised the most attended demonstrations of the Catalan independence process. "Let us not allow the only voices heard in the streets to be those of those opposed to rights and freedoms," he continued in his call to recover the street mobilization.

Democratic Tsunami

Antich pointed out that the measure agreed by the PSOE with Esquerra Republicana and Junts in their respective pacts for the investiture of Pedro Sánchez is a "self-amendment of the State" and, therefore, has triggered "a reaction in a torrent of the entire cave".

In his opinion, an example of this response is the accusation of terrorism in the judicial case for the acts of Tsunami Democràtic, the platform that channeled the large acts of protest against the 2019 Supreme Court ruling that led to the imprisonment of nine pro-independence leaders. "We are all tsunamis, yes, we did it and we will do it again as many times as necessary," he challenged.

  • Articles Gerard Melgar
  • Politics
  • Amnesty
  • Investiture of the President
  • Together for Catalonia
  • Òmnium Cultural
  • Supreme Court
  • PSOE
  • Jordi Cuixart
  • Generalitat of Catalonia
  • Pere Aragonès
  • CKD