There are many laws that govern how a stuffed animal, or assembled animal as it is actually called, may be handled. It depends, among other things, on what species it is, when the animals were mounted and who had it.

"It's good because there won't be any trade that is illegal," says Pernilla Thalin, park manager for the predator park in Orsa, which will soon be completely dismantled.

Stuffed animals are destroyed

Earlier this autumn, SVT met the brown bear Diego, who is one of the animals that has found a new home in England. Moving a live animal is a long process with a lot of documentation – and similar processes are now also waiting for the park's stuffed animals that have been used in exhibitions and the like.

But some lack documentation, such as some gifts that were donated to the park a long time ago, and therefore may not be passed on. Other things have worn out over the years. Those things will now be destroyed instead.

"Some are in pretty bad condition because they've been with us for a long time and, for example, have worked with us as 'feel' skins, or skulls that have broken, so then we send them for destruction instead," says Pernilla Thalin.

"Tough legislation on stuffed animals" – see more in the video about what kind of stuffed animals it is in Orsa that will now get new homes