The occupation fired tear gas canisters at the families of the prisoners yesterday (Anatolia)

The Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) accused the Israeli occupation of violating the truce and not adhering to the criteria for the release of prisoners and warned that this puts the entire agreement in danger.

The prisoner release process, which began on Friday, is scheduled to resume today, with the occupation expected to release 42 women and children in exchange for Hamas releasing 14 Israeli prisoners.

Al-Jazeera correspondent quoted the resistance as saying that the occupation did not adhere to the standard of seniority in the release of prisoners and child prisoners yesterday, nor did it adhere to the same standard today, noting that there are some obstacles to the process of releasing prisoners today.

The correspondent explained that negotiations are still ongoing between Israel and Hamas through mediators.

Occupation rejects celebrations

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that there is resentment by the occupation because of what happened yesterday in the town of Beitunia when the prisoners and child prisoners were released because of the celebrations that accompanied the arrival of the prisoners and the support of the resistance and chanting for it.

The occupation described these celebrations as unprecedented and rejects these celebrations "due to the sensitivity of the situation," according to the occupation authorities.

Al-Jazeera correspondent reported that the Israeli side delivered a message to the resistance that the released prisoners will not be released from Ofer prison but from the city of Jericho, which the resistance rejected.

Therefore, the occupation may disperse the places of delivery of Palestinian prisoners at several checkpoints in the West Bank so that the scene of celebrations will not be repeated, as happened yesterday.

The correspondent pointed out that the resistance stated that any disruption in today's release deal will be held responsible by the occupation.

The people fear the occupation storming the town of Beitunia and prevent the people from celebrating and supporting the resistance, and in the city of Jerusalem, the correspondent of Al Jazeera reported that the occupation authorities warned the families of the prisoners freed from Jerusalem from celebrating or hanging Palestinian flags or showing any semblance of celebration.

She pointed out that many relatives of the prisoners were expelled from the homes of their relatives who gathered to receive them.

The correspondent stated that the occupation forces stormed today one of the neighborhoods of Jerusalem, where the house of one of the freed prisoners is located, and warned her family not to raise Palestinian flags above the house.

She explained that despite the Israeli decision to prevent the festive demonstrations, there was a consensus among the families of prisoners in Jerusalem not to hold celebrations due to the situation in the Gaza Strip.

Confusion in numbers

In the same context, Al Jazeera's correspondent in Ramallah pointed out that there was confusion in the number of prisoners who will be released, as it turned out that one of the child prisoners listed on the Israeli lists had been released a few days ago after the end of his sentence, so the number of those released decreased.

The correspondent reported that it has not been officially announced that the Israeli prisoners have been handed over to the Red Cross in the Gaza Strip, as the agreement stipulates that 4 hours after the Israeli prisoners move to the Red Cross and receive them by the Israeli authorities on the other side of the Israeli-Egyptian border, the Palestinian prisoners will be released.

The correspondent pointed out that the two sides do not rule out the implementation of the deal today, despite some obstacles.

Extension of the truce

Al Jazeera correspondent revealed high-level talks and negotiations in more than one country related to the truce deal and the prisoner exchange deal, regarding the extension of the truce.

The correspondent explained that the data indicate that the agreement on extending the truce and increasing the number of those who will be released by the resistance and the occupation is close.

In a related context, the Hebrew newspaper Haaretz reported that a Qatari delegation arrived today in Israel to advance the agreement on the release of prisoners and to ensure that the general framework reached so far will be achieved.

The newspaper quoted a Qatari diplomat as saying that "part of the mission of the Qatari team is aimed at ensuring that the agreement continues to make smooth progress and to discuss more details on the current agreement."

Reuters quoted a Qatari official as saying coordination had been made with Israeli officials to ensure the truce lasted and detainees were released unhindered.

Reuters quoted an Egyptian official as saying his country had received "positive signals" about extending the truce in Gaza for one or two days.

It is noteworthy that the occupation released 39 Palestinian prisoners and children yesterday, in exchange for the release of 13 Israeli women and children, some of whom hold dual citizenship.

The truce between Hamas and Israel came into effect on Friday, and the humanitarian truce agreement includes the release of 50 Israeli prisoners from Gaza in exchange for the release of 150 Palestinians from Israeli prisons, and the entry of hundreds of trucks loaded with humanitarian, relief and medical aid and fuel to all areas of the Strip.

Source : Al Jazeera + Agencies