The families of prisoners of the resistance demonstrate almost daily to demand the release of their relatives (Al Jazeera)

Thousands of Israelis demonstrated in Tel Aviv in support of the families of prisoners held by the resistance in the Gaza Strip and to demand their release.

Al Jazeera's correspondent in Tel Aviv said the demonstration had become weekly, but the number of participants was increasing week by week.

He explained that there are slogans raised in these demonstrations against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and his right-wing government, demanding that it speed up the process of releasing all prisoners in the Gaza Strip, and do everything until they are released.

He stated that many participants in these demonstrations blame the Netanyahu government for the major failure of October 7, which led to the capture of many Israelis by the Palestinian resistance.

The correspondent explained that these demonstrations succeeded in imposing on the Israeli government that the issue of prisoners and detainees held by the resistance is a top priority for the government.

These demonstrations are pressuring the government to speed up the implementation of a prisoner exchange deal and calm to free all prisoners held by the resistance, he said.

In a related context, Al Jazeera correspondent explained that the military correspondent of the Israeli Channel 13 confirmed that the Izz al-Din al-Qassam Brigades, the military wing of Hamas, dealt with the Israeli prisoners gently, humanely and carefully, and no violent methods were used during their interrogation, and the Qassam members did not resort to the use of torture.

According to a correspondent for the Israeli channel, the Israelis were detained in separate areas and civilians and soldiers were separated.

Al Jazeera correspondent explained that such leaks bother the Israeli government and army a lot, as both sides tried to demonize the resistance and stated more than once that the Qassam Brigades do not treat their prisoners humanely.

Source : Al Jazeera