The cost of temporary staff at Akademiska is expected to reach a record high of SEK 435 million this year – SEK 295 million more than budgeted. This is one reason why the hospital expects to miss the budget target by SEK 870 million (the hospital had expected to lose SEK 100 million).

The issue of savings was raised at the last meeting of the hospital board and now plans are planned for a reduction in staffing staff in 2024, better control of purchasing, a closure of the night-open infection clinic and the closure of a yoga clinic. To name a few of the planned savings measures.

Medical priorities

Hospital Director Marianne Van Rooijen believes that it is necessary to cover the cost of temporary staff:

"The main consequences are that we report a poorer financial result than if we had had our own employees on site," says Marianne Van Rooijen.

Are there any risks associated with removing temporary staff?

"It is important that we make medical priorities, and we will take care of emergency patients in the same way as before. We are not going to make stupid savings.

Risk of longer waiting times

Medical priorities can mean longer waiting times for patients to undergo surgery – in short, longer queues. This is the opinion of Birgitta Birgisdottir, Deputy Head of Operations at AnOpIva (anesthesia, surgery and intensive care).

"The risk is there, but we will try to avoid it," says Birgitta Birgisdottir.

Clip: Regional councillor self-critical about temporary staff: "Should have pushed more"