Lebanese border villages have come under Israeli shelling and their residents have been displaced to safer areas (Reuters)

After the exchange of shelling at midnight last night, a cautious calm prevailed on the border between Lebanon and Israel, and residents of Lebanese towns along the border began to return to their homes on Saturday.

The German news agency dpa reported that a cautious calm has prevailed in southern villages and towns adjacent to the Blue Line in southern Lebanon, since the start of the ceasefire in Gaza on Friday.

According to Lebanon's National News Agency, convoys of returnees to their towns were not interrupted on Saturday, some of whom began work after a hiatus of almost a month due to security incidents.

The villages adjacent to the Blue Border Line have witnessed displacement since the start of the exchange of fire between Hezbollah and Israel on the eighth of last October, as residents of those areas were displaced towards safer areas, especially the city of Tyre.

Hundreds of Lebanese families have also been displaced to other areas in Mount Lebanon and Beirut.

More than 46,<> people have been displaced, mostly from southern Lebanon and other parts of the country, due to border events.

Exchange of bombardment

Despite the calm, last night witnessed an exchange of shelling on the border between Hizbollah and the Israeli occupying army.

An interceptor missile exploded in the airspace of the towns of Mays al-Jabal and Blida in Marjayoun district after midnight and was heard throughout the south.

The Lebanese National News Agency reported that "Israeli enemy forces fired 5 times at a car belonging to a citizen from the town of Kafr Kila, in the Wazzani area, without injuring him," saying that he "miraculously survived."

She pointed to an army patrol that pulled the citizen from the scene, pointing out that "the enemy fired in the air to scare the farmers who work on their land in the Hunin Valley."

The Israeli military said its soldiers exchanged fire with Hezbollah along the border just after midnight on Friday.

Israeli forces struck Hizbullah targets in southern Lebanon in response.

It is noteworthy that the Lebanese-Israeli front has witnessed great tension since the eighth of October / October coinciding with the start of the Israeli aggression on Gaza, which lasted 48 days, and led to the fall of more than 14 thousand Palestinian martyrs, most of them women and children.

On Friday, a temporary truce between Israel and Hamas came into effect by Qatar and with Egyptian and American support.

With the entry into force of the truce in the Gaza Strip, the Lebanese-Israeli front calmed down.

Source: Agencies