The listing is about to be full moon, and it has been unveiled on many occasions -

The National Data Bureau operates to better release the value of data

Reporter Qiu Haifeng

Since its listing on October 10, the National Data Bureau has been in operation for nearly one month.

China's digital economy ranks second in the world and maintains a high growth rate. As a newly established national department, the operation of the National Data Bureau has attracted much attention at home and abroad.

What are the data-related responsibilities of the National Data Agency? What's next? What role will it play in the development of the digital economy? The reporter of this newspaper conducted an interview on this.

China was the first country to include data as a factor of production

In March this year, China explicitly established a national data bureau. Why was this new national office created? What are the specific functions?

The "Explanation on the Institutional Reform Plan of the State Council" clearly points out that in today's society, digital resources and digital economy play a fundamental role in economic and social development, and are of great significance for building a new development pattern, building a modern economic system, and building new national competitive advantages, and it is necessary to strengthen the management, development and utilization of data.

"Data is the basic resource in the era of digital economy, and China attaches great importance to the development of digital economy." Lu Yanchun, director of the Price Monitoring Center of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that in October 2019, the Fourth Plenary Session of the 10th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China proposed data as a new factor of production for the first time; In April 2020, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council issued the "Opinions on Building a More Perfect System and Mechanism for Market-oriented Allocation of Factors", which included data as a new factor of production for the first time in the central document, making China the first country in the world to establish data as a factor of production at the national policy level.

After years of development, China's data output and digital economy have jumped to the forefront of the world. According to a report released by the Cyberspace Administration of China, China's data output reached 2022.8 zettabytes in 1, a year-on-year increase of 22.7%, ranking second in the world. The scale of the digital economy reached 50.2 trillion yuan, ranking second in the world.

"The booming rise of the digital economy heralds a period of great development for the data market. However, it should also be noted that the development of China's data market still faces some difficulties and bottlenecks, such as the prominent phenomenon of data management, the unclear data property rights system, and the insufficient data supervision and guarantee system. Lu Yanchun said.

Industry insiders believe that the establishment of the National Data Bureau is to maintain the overall stability of the current work pattern such as data security, industry data supervision, information development, and digital government construction, and to focus on the relevant responsibilities of data resource integration, sharing, development and utilization. Coherence and coordination are a key word in its work.

Specifically, the "Plan for the Reform of Party and State Institutions" issued by the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council clearly states that the National Data Bureau is responsible for coordinating and promoting the construction of data infrastructure systems, coordinating the integration, sharing, development and utilization of data resources, and coordinating the promotion of digital China, digital economy, and digital society planning and construction, etc., and transferring some of the responsibilities originally undertaken by the Office of the Central Cyber Security and Information Commission and the National Development and Reform Commission to the National Data Bureau.

"The formal establishment of the National Data Bureau demonstrates the country's emphasis on data production factors and resource attributes, which is conducive to pooling resources from all parties, solving the current difficulties in data circulation and utilization, and promoting the development of China's data elements into a new stage of overall promotion." Zeng Yi, chairman of China Electronics Information Industry Group Co., Ltd., said.

Let the data be "supplied", "lived", and "moved".

"The central government has entrusted the National Data Bureau with some very important functions, and then we must accelerate the operation of the National Data Bureau and earnestly perform its duties." After the establishment of the listing, Liu Liehong, director of the National Data Bureau, said.

In the past month since it was listed, the National Data Bureau has appeared on many occasions -

Focusing on improving the price formation mechanism for public data, recently, the Price Department of the National Development and Reform Commission, together with the National Data Bureau, prepared three groups to listen to the opinions of relevant parties on accelerating the establishment and improvement of price formation mechanisms that conform to the characteristics of public data elements, and promoting the paid use of public data for digital development according to government guidance, and proposed that it will work with relevant parties to accelerate the study and establishment of public data price formation mechanisms and relevant systems and regulations, and promote the compliant and efficient circulation and use of public data.

On November 11, at the kick-off meeting of the Beijing Data Basic System Pilot Zone, Liu Liehong attended and expressed the hope that Beijing will continue to explore and try in the fields of data "three rights" separation system, data circulation and trading, and data infrastructure construction, and will support the Pilot Zone to actively explore in the fields related to data elements.

At this meeting, Liu Liehong elaborated on the views on data operation. The first is to make the data "available" with confidence. He said that the separation mechanism of data resource ownership, data processing and use rights, and data product management rights is an important institutional basis for accelerating the circulation of data elements and releasing the value of data elements, which needs to be further explored and improved through practice. He hoped that Beijing would give full play to its advantages, explore and define the legitimate rights enjoyed by all participants in the process of data source, holding, and processing, promote and improve the system for protecting the legitimate rights and interests of all participants in data elements, and help the implementation of the data property rights system with Chinese characteristics.

Second, let more data "live". Liu Liehong said that the data circulation and trading system is the power source for continuously releasing the value of data elements, and the National Data Bureau is currently studying and drafting relevant guidance documents to promote the construction of the data trading and circulation system from the top-level design.

In addition, Liu Liehong also revealed that in order to make data security "move", the National Data Bureau is actively paying attention to the evolution of technologies related to data circulation.

As a newly established organization, another important task of the National Data Bureau is to actively recruit talents. According to the information on the website of the State Civil Service Bureau, the National Data Bureau plans to recruit 12 people in the national examination this year, involving 5 departments and bureaus, with professional requirements including electronic science and technology, information and communication engineering, computer science and technology, etc., and the job content involves data basic system and policy research, data resource management and development and utilization promotion, digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and technology application promotion and demonstration in the field of data.

"Combined with the functional positioning of the National Data Bureau, this time we will focus on recruiting integrated talents who understand both the profession and the industry." Liu Liehong said, "Focusing on the construction of digital China and the development of the digital economy, we will recruit some civil servants who are familiar with this kind of work, have a good professional background, are good at planning, have strong overall planning and coordination skills, and have work experience." ”

Most provinces have established provincial-level data management bodies

The establishment of the National Data Bureau has further mobilized the enthusiasm of all parties to work together to promote data work.

Up to now, most provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities) across the country have established provincial-level data management institutions. Many places said that they will give full play to the role of data as a basic resource and innovation engine according to the work deployment of the National Data Bureau and local reality, continue to strengthen, optimize and expand the digital economy, and promote the deep integration of the digital economy and the real economy.

As a region with rapid development of the digital economy, Guizhou Province has achieved a compound growth rate of 5.18% in the past five years, ranking first in the country. The relevant person in charge of the Guizhou Provincial Big Data Bureau said that Guizhou has accelerated the promotion of digital industrialization and industrial digitization, and big data has become an important growth point for the transformation of old and new kinetic energy, and the revenue of the province's software and information technology service industry increased by 1.1% from January to September this year; At present, the Guiyang Big Data Exchange has completed a total transaction volume of 9.17 billion yuan, strengthened the construction of computing power, and put 9 key data centers into operation or under construction in the province.

"Next, Guizhou will accelerate the construction of the National Big Data (Guizhou) Comprehensive Pilot Zone and the Digital Economy Development Innovation Zone, promote digital industry innovation, and strive to exceed 2025 billion yuan in the annual output value of the big data electronic information industry by 3500." The above-mentioned person in charge said that it will further promote the deep integration of big data and the real economy, introduce innovative policies to support the construction of computing power, and create a "Eastern Data and Western Computing" computing power service highland and a data circulation trading platform serving the whole country.

Enterprises are also accelerating the layout of digital industries. "We have established the China Electronic Data Industry Group to build two basic platforms, a data platform and a digital platform, to provide support for meeting the needs of all walks of life for the development and utilization of data value." Zeng Yi said that China Electronics will take the establishment of the National Data Bureau as an opportunity to accelerate the demonstration and application of the data element governance project in important fields and industries such as the national economy and people's livelihood, national security, and international cooperation, and build a multi-party joint research hub in the field of data security and data elements, and a platform for resource integration and collaborative innovation in the data industry chain.

Mei Hong, an academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, believes that data elementalization is still in the initial stage of exploration, and there is no international precedent to follow. With the acceleration of China's digital transformation, it is urgent to build a new governance model, system and mechanism based on information infrastructure and information technology with the participation of multiple actors, openness and pluralism. "We look forward to consolidating the foundation for the development of the digital economy and promoting the orderly, healthy and high-level development of China's digital economy around the 'three cornerstones' of the data element market, digital governance system and data technology system under the overall planning and promotion of the National Data Bureau." Mei Hong said. (People's Daily Overseas Edition)