Barely two weeks ago, it was announced that Karlskrona's government had decided that an independent investigation should be carried out into the tours around Vattenborgen, something that the opposition had requested.

The goal was to have the report completed by the next meeting of the City Council in December.

But that does not seem to be the case, as no tenders have been received for the procurement.

"Because it was such a short time perspective, we made a direct procurement where we went out to a number of companies, but we didn't receive any tenders," says Håkan Petersson.

Likely to be delayed

Now the municipality is issuing an open advertisement instead, where any company can submit a tender.

"Hopefully we'll be able to get it out tomorrow (Thursday, editor's note) otherwise it will be Friday," says Håkan Petersson.

The ad will be out for ten days.

Will the investigation be completed in time for the next council meeting on 21 December?

"I can't answer that, but it sounds unlikely. It takes more time, but I can't say what the consequences will be," says Håkan Petersson.