In March 2022, Västernorrland was the county in Sweden with the longest queues for care at BUP within 30 days in all of Sweden.

Now you reach the care guarantee of 90 days for a first visit to all clinics in the county – but there is still a queue to get investigation and treatment.

Efforts have paid off

The project that the region started in the autumn of 2021, called the Children and Youth Entrance, seems to have had the effect that the region wanted – shorter queues for BUP.

According to Elina Backlund Arab (S), chair of the Health and Medical Services Committee, the initiative has been important for children to receive help for early signs of mental illness.

In 2024, the budget for child and adolescent psychiatry will be SEK 18 million – two million less than in 2023.

Listen to Elina Backlund Arab about the queues for BUP and the challenges that remain regarding treatment and investigation in the video.