Zhu Congjiu, former member and vice chairman of the Zhejiang Provincial Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, was "double-opened" for serious violations of discipline and law, and he repeatedly accepted banquets and travel arrangements that might affect the fair performance of official duties; Wang Zhongming, former party secretary of the Sichuan Provincial Cadre Correspondence College (Sichuan Cultural Industry Vocational College), was expelled from the party for accepting arrangements for tourism activities that might affect the fair performance of official duties... In the recently released notice on party discipline and government sanctions, many people have accepted travel arrangements that may affect the fair performance of official duties.

When traveling, you must not set off on the red line of discipline and rules. The Second Plenary Session of the 20 th Central Commission for Discipline Inspection demanded that we should pay close attention to the problem of changing the face and intensify the investigation and accountability of behaviors such as traveling at public expense in the name of training and inspection. What are the manifestations and characteristics of such problems? How to dig deep and investigate and accurately correct? The reporter interviewed about this.

A training, a detour to 2 scenic spots; The training took 4 days, and it took 11 days before and after... Individual cadres take advantage of training and other official business trips to cover up and "take a detour"

"If I drive a bus to Chongqing for training, how can I be reimbursed for the city's transportation subsidy?" During the inspection of Jinhu Transportation Investment Co., Ltd. in Huai'an City, Jiangsu Province, a travel expense reimbursement form of the subordinate Jinhu Bus Company attracted the attention of the second inspection team of the Jinhu County Party Committee. Subsequently, the inspection team transferred the clues to the county Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision for verification.

From September 2020 to 9, 22, Jinhu Trading and Investment Company organized relevant personnel to participate in a training in Chongqing. After receiving the notice, Zhang Moumou, director of the comprehensive management office of Jinhu Bus Company, proposed: "Set off a few days in advance and find a few scenic spots along the way." ”

There are still 5 days before the start of the training, and a group of 7 people from Xin, secretary of the Party branch of Jinhu Trading and Investment Company, drove a bus from Jinhu County. On the way, Zhang Moumou proposed that "as long as the training is not delayed, it is recommended to take a detour to Zhangjiajie, Hunan Province." With the consent of the others, they drove to Zhangjiajie on the evening of September 9 and spent a day in Tianmen Mountain National Forest Park the next day before heading to the Chongqing training site. After the training, they made a detour to the Enshi Grand Canyon Scenic Area in Hubei Province until they returned to Jinhu at noon on September 18.

A training, a detour to 2 scenic spots; The training took 4 days, and it took 11 days before and after. "Taking advantage of official business trips such as training to cover up and 'detour tours', and afterwards they used inflated accommodation fees and reimbursed transportation subsidies in violation of regulations to offset public funds to offset travel expenses, which is a typical illegal public money tourism." Zhou Yongyin, director of the case trial room of the Jinhu County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, said.

In July 2023, Xin Moumou was severely warned and punished by the party for violating the spirit of the eight provisions of the Central Committee and other disciplinary violations, and the other 7 people were punished accordingly, and the funds for violating discipline and law were confiscated.

With the continuous and in-depth promotion of the rectification of the "four winds", blatant public-funded tourism has been effectively curbed, but there is still a "market" for the invisible mutation of public-funded tourism problems such as "backdoor tours", "detour tours" that change the itinerary, and "hitchhiking tours" that increase the number of people, and the means are renovated and increasingly hidden.

Some take the opportunity to change their itinerary or extend their time while going out on official business, or take the opportunity to travel by participating in inspection activities organized by subordinate units, state-owned enterprises and institutions. In June 2021, Shuilong Village, Kanmen Street, Yuhuan City, Zhejiang Province, organized party members to go to Sanmen County to carry out party member activities, but changed the itinerary without following the approval opinions of the street party working committee, and visited the pirate village, savage cave and other scenic spots unrelated to activities on Shepan Island in Sanmen County. In December 6, Chen Moumou, secretary of the Party branch of Shuilong Village, was punished with a warning from the party.

Some of them travel with public funds in the name of study and training, investigation and research, investment promotion and exhibition. In September 2020, Zhu, deputy head of the Administrative Law Enforcement Inspectorate Detachment of Wuhu City Administration Bureau, Anhui Province, led a team of 9 people to Xiamen, Fujian Province in the name of learning administrative law enforcement work in the fields of urban and rural planning, housing construction, etc., and the related expenses incurred were reimbursed by the unit. In December 9, Zhu was given a serious warning by the party, the relevant disciplinary funds were confiscated, and other relevant personnel were dealt with accordingly.

From the point of view of payment methods, some falsely reported travel records, fabricated false travel records, etc., to obtain public funds for travel; Some are paid for travel by subordinate units; Some will inform third parties such as travel agencies of the illegal needs, and the "privately customized" itinerary plan will package the illegal travel into a seemingly reasonable inspection plan, and the cost will be paid by the travel agency in advance and then reported by the relevant units. Yao, former party secretary of the Huaihua Emergency Management Bureau in Hunan Province, organized the cadres and workers of the bureau to go to other provinces to carry out party building activities and visit tourist scenic spots. The relevant personnel of the bureau asked a tourism company that undertook the event to provide a false activity plan and corresponding invoices that only involved red education and did not include tourist attractions, so as to reimburse 7,13 yuan for illegal expenses.

"Publicly-funded tourism reflects the blurring of the boundaries between public and private by some party members and cadres, their weak sense of discipline and rules, and their ignorance of the iron rules and rigid bars of the Party Central Committee. This not only squandered public property, but also tarnished the image of the party, the government, and party members and cadres among the masses. Liu Haiping, director of the Party Style and Government Supervision Office of the Chongqing Kaizhou District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision, said.

Behind the arrangement of tourism activities for the management and service recipients, there are often corruption problems such as the exchange of interests and the entrustment of services

Accepting management and arranging tourism activities for service recipients in violation of regulations is essentially the idea of privilege breeds privileged behavior, and even hides power and money transactions. "If publicly-funded tourism is 'taking advantage of the government', then accepting arrangements for tourism activities that may affect the fair performance of official duties is 'rubbing private oil'." Huang Zhen, director of the Party Style and Government Supervision Office of the Kaihua County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Zhejiang Province, said that some party members and cadres do not distinguish between management and service targets, and this is mainly manifested in taking the opportunity of official business to travel in violation of regulations and arranging for enterprises or individuals with business dealings to reimburse expenses, or accepting management and service object travel activities in violation of regulations.

In the name of tourism, the practice of power rent-seeking. Some people are willing to act as "wallets" for public officials to play in the mountains and rivers, and they will inevitably have some plans, and public officials will accept them knowing that they are willing to do so, and they will inevitably be caught up in the "hunting." Liao Yanqiu, former secretary and chairman of the CPPCC in Hengyang, Hunan Province, is a typical example; he once went to Tibet, Sichuan, Heilongjiang, and other places with private entrepreneurs, and the relevant expenses were borne by the private entrepreneurs, while Liao Yanqiu used his power or influence to greet and seek benefits for his "basket."

"On the surface, it seems that the public does not spend a penny, and all the management and service objects pay for it, but if you think about it carefully, the reason why they are willing to provide 'free lunch' is nothing more than to take a fancy to the power in the hands of leading cadres." A responsible comrade of the Xiamen City Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Fujian Province said that accepting travel arranged by others is in essence an act of accepting other people's property in disguise, and transferring the expenses that should have been paid by oneself to the management and service recipients.

The "four winds" and corruption are intertwined, and the illegal acceptance of management and the arrangement of tourism activities for service targets conceals the integrity risks of being intertwined with wind and corruption, and wind corruption. "We adhere to the concept of wind corruption and investigation and governance throughout the whole process of supervision and inspection, review and investigation, in view of the characteristics of corruption problems such as interest exchange and entrustment behind the arrangement of tourism activities of accepting management and service objects, we will combine 'wind must investigate corruption' and 'look at the wind by case' to cut off the chain of wind and corruption." The relevant responsible comrade of the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision said.

Pay close attention to public funds and public power and official business, focusing on the source of travel reimbursement money, whether to change the itinerary, whether to occupy official time, whether there is a transfer of benefits, etc

The CPC Central Committee has a clear-cut attitude towards strictly dealing with illegal tourism, and has consistently imposed disciplinary requirements on prohibiting illegal tourism. As early as the 2003 edition of the "Regulations on Disciplinary Punishment of the Communist Party of China", "traveling with public funds or traveling abroad (outside the territory) with public funds in the name of inspection, study, training, seminars, investment promotion, exhibitions, etc." was listed as a disciplinary violation. Article 2018 of the Regulations on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China, revised in 2020, makes a more comprehensive determination of illegal public funds for tourism. The Law of the People's Republic of China on Governmental Sanctions for Public Employees, promulgated on 6 June 20, further clarifies the relevant provisions on the handling of arrangements for public employees to accept and provide travel and other activities that may affect the fair exercise of public power.

Illegal tourism has been remodeled, and it is more difficult to accurately identify. In February this year, the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection and the State Supervision Commission publicly announced the typical problems of organizing publicly-funded tourism in the name of training, revealing that Peng Fuping, former deputy director of the Department of Safety and Quality Supervision and Management of the Ministry of Transport, Chen Jiayuan, former deputy director of the Safety Supervision Department, and Zhang Zhi, former secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Cadre Training Center of the National Health Commission (then assistant director of the training center and director of the third training division) and others jointly organized large-scale public-funded travel for trainees in the name of training in conjunction with social training companies.

"The units, personnel, and travel agencies involved in the case are 'packaged' and coordinated, and it is difficult to see the problems of approval procedures and reimbursement procedures on the surface, which are very concealed and confusing." Zhao Yan, director of the Party Style and Government Supervision Office of the Yuhuan Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Zhejiang Province, believes that in terms of discovering and identifying the illegal tourism problem of invisible variation, it is necessary to pay close attention to the three key points of public funds, public power and official business, focusing on the source of tourism reimbursement money, whether to change the itinerary, whether to occupy official time, whether there is a transfer of interests, etc., to accurately distinguish the facts, nature, circumstances and social harm of illegal tourism, and improve the quality and efficiency of case investigation.

It is worth noting that some functional departments and party members and cadres need to perform official duties in tourist attractions due to the nature of their work. "This situation should adhere to the principle of reasonableness and necessity, strictly control, and strictly approve." Wang Zhenxing, director of the First Discipline Inspection and Supervision Office of the Discipline Inspection and Supervision Commission of Longyou County, Zhejiang Province, said that individual public officials travel to scenic spots under the guise of performing official duties and enjoy free tickets and VIP treatment in scenic spots.

"In the process of supervising discipline and accountability, we can grasp the boundary between the normal performance of official duties and the opportunity to travel in the scenic spot from three aspects: first, we must see whether the relevant personnel have the responsibility to perform official duties in the scenic spot, second, we must see whether the work of the scenic spot is legal, compliant, reasonable and necessary, and third, we must see whether the relevant plans are strictly approved and implemented." Wang Zhenxing said that for those who travel to scenic spots without approval and in the name of work, or those who go to scenic spots to carry out work after approval, take the opportunity to engage in visits and tours that have nothing to do with their duties or have no substantive work content, they are disguised tourism or take advantage of the opportunity to travel, and the organizers and participants should be distinguished from each other and dealt with seriously.

In terms of dealing with the problem of illegal tourism, the relevant responsible comrades of the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision believe that it is necessary to focus on key links such as approval and decision-making and financial reimbursement, clarify the facts, clarify responsibilities, and accurately deal with the leaders and participants of the team, order the refund of relevant expenses, and investigate the responsibility of the relevant leaders according to the situation. Where there are circumstances that should have been discovered but not discovered, or where they were not dealt with or reported after discovery, the relevant personnel should also be held accountable in light of the circumstances.

Pay close attention to the new trends of illegal tourism and its invisible mutations, and scientifically and accurately target corrections

"The emergence of illegal tourism is closely related to the ineffective implementation of the main responsibility of some party organizations to comprehensively and strictly govern the party. Some of them are lax and soft in their daily education, management and supervision of party members and cadres, and do not implement systems such as heart-to-heart talks and reminders, and leading cadres acquiesce and even take the lead in illegal tourism. In some units, the implementation of financial and economic discipline is not strict, and the examination and approval is a mere formality, resulting in the smooth reimbursement of illegal travel expenses. Jin Tao, director of the case trial room of the Qiantang District Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Hangzhou City, Zhejiang Province, believes that party organizations at all levels should continue to strengthen education and guidance, establish a clear orientation of honesty and public and private distinction, and strictly implement financial and economic discipline, establish and improve the examination and approval system for official business trips, strictly control the scale of business trips and expenditures, and plug the management loopholes that induce the problem of public funds for tourism.

Discipline inspection and supervision organs at all levels keep an eye on the new trend of illegal tourism and its invisible mutation, scientifically and accurately target correction, and increase supervision and discipline accountability for various illegal tourism behaviors, so as to prevent the recurrence of old problems in illegal tourism, the germination of new problems, and the growth of small problems.

Carry out special rectification, and consolidate and expand the achievements of work style construction with a "zero tolerance" attitude. Since the beginning of this year, the Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Yanjiang District, Ziyang City, Sichuan Province has carried out special rectification of the problem of publicly-funded tourism in the name of training, sorted out and investigated more than 1,1 trainings and more than 7,92 trainees, and gave full play to the comprehensive effect of the "four forms", seriously criticized and educated 36 people who took the initiative to clarify the problem, organized a refund of 5,<> yuan, and conducted an in-depth analysis of the problem-prone units, and promoted the relevant departments to establish rules and regulations to plug regulatory loopholes.

Discipline inspection and supervision organs in various localities have also innovated supervision methods and used big data analysis to carry out routine supervision. The Ningbo Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Zhejiang Province has set up a special class for the supervision and application of big data of public power. At present, the big data supervision and application platform of public power in the field of "three publics" has formed 4 sub-scenarios and 18 types of supervision and early warning indicators for official vehicles, official reception, going abroad (territory) for business, etc., covering the fields of public money tourism and illegal use of public vehicles. The Zhangjiagang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision of Jiangsu Province relies on the national tourism supervision service platform, discipline inspection and supervision information platform, clean government archives and other system platforms to compare and analyze the data and information such as the list of travel personnel, entry and exit records, and tax control invoices of travel agencies, and conduct in-depth investigation of suspected illegal tourism problems when party members and cadres and public employees participate in official activities.

Tighten the cage of the system, and promote the construction of a sound work style and a long-term mechanism. Discipline inspection and supervision organs in many places have deepened the use of cases to promote reform and governance in response to typical problems investigated and handled, and promoted the departments, units, and industries where problems occurred to improve internal control mechanisms and strengthen the implementation of systems. After seriously investigating and dealing with the case of many people in the special education school in Yunyang County, Chongqing City, who changed their official itinerary without authorization and used the bus to take the opportunity to travel, the Yunyang County Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision urged the county's administrative enterprises and institutions to carry out self-inspection and self-correction of bus management, and promoted the Yunyang County Organ Affairs Center to further improve and issue the "Yunyang County Organs and Institutions Long-term Rental Vehicle Operation Rules" and "Notice on Further Standardizing the Normalization Management of Official Vehicles" and other documents, and urged all units in the county to implement the requirements of the document.

At important nodes, holidays, and time periods, discipline inspection and supervision organs in various localities publicly report the typical problems of the "four winds", including the arrangement of tourism activities such as publicly-funded tourism and illegal acceptance of management and service objects, releasing a strong signal that the construction of work style will not stop and will not give an inch. "Through the notification and exposure of typical cases, watching warning education films, reading confessions, etc., we will educate and guide party members and cadres to learn lessons from individual cases, strengthen the awareness of discipline and rules, and achieve the effect of deterring a group and educating a group." Wang Zhenxing said. (China Discipline Inspection and Supervision Daily reporter Chai Yaxin)