Europe 1 with AFP / Photo credit: MOHAMMED BADRA / POOL / AFP 21:53 p.m., November 22, 2023

On Wednesday evening, Emmanuel Macron denounced "the terrible murder" of Thomas, 16, who died on Sunday following wounds received on the sidelines of a ball in Crépol in the Drôme region. The head of state speaks of "an aggression that has marked us all".

Emmanuel Macron spoke about the violence that occurred on the sidelines of a ball in Crépol, in the Drôme, on the night of Saturday to Sunday and which cost the life of 16-year-old Thomas. The head of state referred to the "terrible murder" of the teenager, victim of the stabbing of a gang of individuals, and spoke of "an aggression that marked us all".

A white march in memory of Thomas

More than 6000,<> people marched Wednesday in Romans-sur-Isère in a vibrant tribute to young Thomas, who died on Sunday of wounds received on the sidelines of a village ball in the Drôme. About <> young rugby players from his club marched at the head of the procession, blue jerseys crossed out with a "Thomas rest in peace", in memory of their young captain, before forming a guard of honour in front of the stadium where the parade ended.


READ ALSO - Teenager dead in Drôme: Borne calls for 'restraint and decency'

The custody of the nine young people arrested as part of the investigation for "murder" and "attempted murder by an organized gang" continues this Wednesday evening and the gendarmes continue to look for other suspects, said the Valencia prosecutor's office. The criminal record of the alleged perpetrator of the fatal stabbing includes two fine sentences, one recent for carrying a bladed weapon, another for concealment of theft, according to Laurent de Caigny, the prosecutor of Valence.