The mountains and rivers are safe, and the heroes have returned to their hometowns!

November 11rd

The remains of the 10th batch of martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers in Korea

will return to the bosom of the motherland

After more than 70 years of ups and downs

Heroes will eventually return home

Video: The funeral ceremony of the remains of the 10th batch of Chinese Volunteers in South Korea was held in South Korea Details of the martyrs' relics were exposed Source: China News Network

It has been successfully received for 9 consecutive years

The remains of 913 martyrs of the Korean Volunteer Army returned home

73 years ago

Millions of Chinese soldiers

Go to the battlefield to defend your home and country

197653 martyrs gave their lives for the country

Many of them have lost their souls in foreign countries

Bury your bones elsewhere

In the winter of 1950, the Chinese People's Volunteers crossed the Yalu River. Image source: China Military Network

73 years later

The smoke is gone

The mountains and rivers are unharmed

Let the martyrs return to their roots

We never forget

From 2014 to 2022

China has successfully welcomed it for nine consecutive years

9 batches with a total of 913 people

The remains of the martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteer Army in South Korea

and related relics to return to China

The picture shows the scene of the ninth handover ceremony. Photo by China News Service reporter Liu Xu

March 2014, 3

The first batch of 437 bits

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2015, 3

The second batch of 68 bits

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2016, 3

The third batch of 36 bits

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2017, 3

28th in the fourth batch

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2018, 3

20th in the fifth batch

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2019, 4

10th place in the sixth batch

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2020, 9

117 in the seventh batch

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2021, 9

109th in the eighth batch

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China;

March 2022, 9

88 in the ninth batch

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China.

As long as we remember

They didn't leave

March 2014, 3

Volunteer veteran Cao Xiuhu

Take off your hat and stand up to the convoy transporting the remains of your comrades

Two lines of tears fell

He was in the cold wind

Straight as a vow

"Think, think, have feelings..."

This one look

Waited 60 years

Image source: Yangtze Daily

Chen Zengji died on the Korean battlefield

His mother was in the mood for thought

Waiting for his son to be "reunited"

Until 2019

The staff finally found the martyr's family

The eldest son on the battlefield "returned".


You can rest assured, rest assured."

Image source: CCTV-7 "Heroes Come Home"

March 2021, 9

Zou Li, purser of flight MF8031

Learned that there was on the flight

The seventh batch of martyrs of the Volunteers who returned to Korea in South Korea

Two relatives of Lin Shuishi

and two veterans

Write a radio tribute now

"Worship heroes, pay tribute to heroes

Revolutionary martyrs for

The prosperity of the motherland and the rejuvenation of the nation

Gave his precious life

I speak for the entire cabin crew

Hats off! ”

March 2020, 10

Zhang Zixiao, an 11-year-old primary school student in Shenyang

Came to the Martyrs' Cemetery to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea as a volunteer

Tell people the story of your grandfather

"He is the pride of the whole family,

And a role model for me."

He wants little by little

Put the story of "the loveliest people".

Tell it to more people

Data map taken by China News Service reporter Hou Yu

March 2022, 9

The ninth batch of martyrs of the Chinese People's Volunteers in Korea

The funeral ceremony was held in Incheon, South Korea

Combat boots with only soles left

Rusty bullet crafting tool

A spoon broken in two

Broken goggles...

They are all martyrs of the Volunteer Army

Records and proofs of bloody battles

Time passes, vicissitudes

Peacefully dispersed the warplanes and artillery fire in the sky

In today's China, the mountains and rivers are unharmed

When history passes the baton

We remember that war

It's because a happy life is hard to come by

We miss those heroes

It's because their spirit is precious

Photo by China News Service Liu Zhen

Away from home is still a teenager

Returning is already a body to serve the country

After two years and nine months of bloody fighting

The War to Resist US Aggression and Aid Korea won a great victory

Brave and tenacious volunteer soldiers who sacrificed their lives and forgot to die

Become a Chinese citizen

Memories that never fade

March 2023, 11

The Y-20 will take over the tenth shipment

The remains of the martyrs of the Korean Volunteers returned to China

After more than 70 years

They will eventually return to the bosom of their homeland

Heroes are never far away

The search continues

Find the relatives of the martyrs and let the loyal souls return to their roots

Shengshi Si Yingli is remembered as moving forward

Heroes who are buried in a foreign land

Welcome home!

Sources: China News Network, CCTV News, People's Daily, Central Committee of the Communist Youth League, China Military Network, Yangtze River Daily, etc

(China News Network WeChat public account)