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Video duration 01 minutes 11 seconds 01:11

On the 47th day of the Israeli war on Gaza, the Islamic Resistance Movement and Israel reached an agreement on a 4-day humanitarian truce in Gaza, which can be extended, with Qatari and Egyptian mediation and American support.

The Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the agreement includes the exchange of 50 civilian women and children prisoners in the Gaza Strip in the first phase, in exchange for the release of a number of Palestinian women and children detained in Israeli prisons, and the truce will allow the entry of a larger number of humanitarian convoys and relief aid, including fuel intended for humanitarian needs.

In parallel, Israeli shelling continued on areas of the Strip, and the number of war martyrs in Gaza rose to 14532,6, including about <>,<> children.

Here are the highlights of Day 47:

  • US National Security Advisor: Qatar will announce the start of the truce in Gaza.
  • IDF: We do not know when the ceasefire in Gaza will take effect.
  • Israeli Science Minister: Israel must confront attempts to establish a Palestinian state.
  • Bloomberg: Washington has told Israel that killing too many civilians will make it harder to continue the war against Hamas.
  • Al-Qassam: We targeted the occupation soldiers and their vehicles that penetrated Gaza City.
  • Islamic Jihad: We are committed to the truce if the occupation abides by it.
  • White House: We will continue to work to release the rest of the hostages.
  • The number of martyrs of the war on Gaza rose to 14532,6, including about <>,<> children.
  • Russia: We have not yet seen evidence of Hamas positions in hospitals.
  • The Israeli army announces the death of a soldier in the northern Gaza Strip.
  • Germany thanks Qatar's efforts in the armistice agreement.
  • Italy: Israel must respect international law.
  • UNICEF: More than 5300,<> Palestinian children have been killed since the war began.
  • UN official: Our international values are being abandoned in Gaza.
  • Hezbollah: The resistance targeted an Israeli force at the site of the monk.
  • UNRWA: The blockade must be lifted permanently and aid must reach Gaza unconditionally.
  • Haniyeh: Lists of prisoners are now being exchanged and checked.
  • UNRWA: 191 people killed in our schools.
  • The Israel Prison Service is preparing to begin releasing Palestinian prisoners.
  • Iranian Foreign Minister Amir Abdollahian: The Palestinians will decide the future of Gaza and the future of their country.
  • Hezbollah source: We were not part of the negotiations on the truce agreement.
  • Egyptian Foreign Minister: The dire situation in northern Gaza should not be exploited to incite displacement.
  • Saudi Foreign Minister: Aid should not be used as a means of collective punishment.
  • Jordanian Foreign Minister: Gaza needs 800 aid trucks a day.
  • Erdogan: The Gaza Strip will remain Palestinian land even if Israel occupies it.
  • Iranian Supreme Leader: The Zionist entity has received a fatal blow from Hamas.
  • Abbas welcomes the humanitarian truce agreement and demands comprehensive solutions.
  • Jordan hopes the Gaza truce will be a step toward ending the war.
  • The Qassam Brigades mourns what it described as Qassam commander Khalil Kharraz, who was assassinated by the "Zionist hand of treachery" in southern Lebanon on Tuesday.
  • The EU promises to use the truce to increase aid to Gaza.
  • Qatari Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al-Thani expresses hope that the truce in Gaza will establish a sustainable agreement that stops the war and leads to comprehensive peace talks.
  • 5 martyrs in Tulkarm in Israeli drone shelling.
  • The Israeli army announces the killing of a unit commander in the Golani Brigade in Gaza.
  • Biden welcomes prisoner exchange agreement between Israel and Hamas.
  • The Qatari Foreign Ministry announces the success of joint mediation efforts with Egypt and the United States in reaching an agreement on a humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip that will last for 4 days, which can be extended.
  • A senior US official praises Qatar's role in reaching an agreement between Israel and Hamas, which led to a prisoner exchange from both sides and a temporary ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.
  • Hamas announces an agreement with Israel on a four-day humanitarian truce in the Gaza Strip, after "tireless and appreciated Qatari and Egyptian efforts," and after negotiations it described as difficult and complex.
  • Reuters quoted Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's office as saying that the government voted in favor of the deal that guarantees the release of some detainees in Gaza.
  • Reuters quoted the US military as saying it had carried out precision strikes against two facilities in Iraq in response to attacks targeting its forces there.
  • Israel Broadcasting Corporation: The directors of the security services presented the government with the details of the hostage deal.
  • South Africa decides to close the Israeli embassy and expel the ambassador.

Source : Al Jazeera