Jacques Serais, edited by Gauthier Delomez / Photo credits: OLIVIER CHASSIGNOLE / AFP 19:26 p.m., November 22, 2023

A few days after the attack at a village festival in the Drôme region, which left one person dead and others injured, leading members of the government reacted, each in their own way. Prime Minister Élisabeth Borne called for "restraint and decency", while Gérald Darmanin spoke of the "savagery of society".

Faced with the tragedy of Crépol, the government is far from speaking with one voice. After the murder of Thomas, a 16-year-old teenager, during a party in this village in the Drôme, each minister seems to have his own personal approach. In the Senate on Wednesday afternoon, Élisabeth Borne reacted to the criticism made by the right. "I am convinced that this moment calls for restraint and decency," she said. "To use this tragedy to play on fears is to lack dignity and respect for the victims," the prime minister added.

>> READ ALSO - Teenager killed in the Drôme: nine arrests including the main suspect, a resident of the center of Romans

Some embarrassment

Two days ago, Gérald Darmanin had made a diagnosis. "It's called savagery," he said. For the Minister of the Interior, this is a general bankruptcy of our society, in other words, this tragedy would be more a social fact than a simple news item.

The government's spokesman, Olivier Véran, refuses to accept these terms. "I have no desire to seek the slightest explanation (...) I never get into semantic debates. It takes more than a word to be able to say things," he told Europe 1. A certain embarrassment similar to that already observed last year after the murder of little Lola.