Testimonies from pupils and mobile phone videos convinced Lund District Court. The 16-year-old student was convicted of threatening an official and sentenced to 40 day fines last week.

But for the victim – Paul Carlbark, a teacher of Swedish and English – the incident on May 5 has led to a personal catastrophe.

He was a restguard that day. He saw and heard how the 16-year-old bothered a younger student with a disability. What happened next is documented by students' mobile cameras and testimonies.

Student threatened to "box the teacher"

The 16-year-old jumps off a bench and shoves Paul Carlbark in the chest. The student says that he is going to "box" the teacher.

Paul Carlbark reacted quickly. A few days earlier, the school had held a training course on school attacks and a former police officer had said that it was important to act. He pushed the student up against lockers in the hallway, with one arm pressed against the student's upper chest and neck.

The teacher had the right on his side

After the incident, the school and student reported Paul Carlbark to the police for assault. The preliminary investigation was quickly closed. The decision states that "the incident has been preceded by strong physical and verbal provocation" from the student and that the teacher "has been put in a situation of self-defense".

Lund District Court also commented on the teacher's actions in the conviction of the student. "That Paul Carlbark had the right to use certain force in view of the criminal attack he was subjected to is self-evident," the district court writes.

Could end up in the Labour Court

Despite this, the school's management chose to first suspend Paul Carlbark from the workplace and then dismiss him.

The Swedish Teachers' Union demands that the municipality of Höör annul the decision to dismiss them. If the parties do not reach an agreement, the case can be decided in the Labour Court.

In the clip, you can hear Paul Carlbark talk about the incident that led to him now being on sick leave and completely without income.

Höör's school management does not want to comment on the case.