Israel will allow 300 trucks per day of relief items and fuel to enter during the truce period (French)

The implementation of the humanitarian truce and prisoner exchange agreement between the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) and the Israeli occupation is expected to begin on Thursday, and the agreement keeps the door open to extending the truce and increasing the number of prisoners released from both sides.

The following are some details related to the implementation of the Armistice Agreement:

How many prisoners will be released in the deal?

Under the agreement, Hamas will release 50 women and children in batches within four days, and the names of the Israelis included in the deal have not been announced.

In return, Israel would release 150 child and female prisoners from its prisons in batches.

Israel's Justice Ministry published a list of 300 Palestinian prisoners who met the criteria for accepting release.

The Israel Prison Authority must publish in the coming hours the names of the 150 prisoners to be released.

Is it the end?

No, the Israeli Prime Minister's Office has indicated that the ceasefire could be extended by one day for every 10 Israeli prisoners released.

Israeli media estimate that Hamas has 80 Israelis, including women and children.

For every Israeli prisoner, Tel Aviv is ready to release three Palestinian prisoners from its prisons.

The Israeli Prime Minister's Office said in its statement that the release of 10 other abductees would lead to another day of truce.

How many Israeli prisoners are there in Gaza?

The Israeli military says it has counted 239 Israelis captured in Gaza, including civilians, military personnel and police officers.

But the agreement covers only women and child prisoners.

Why did Israel publish a list of 300 Palestinian prisoners?

Israel's Justice Ministry has published a list of 300 prisoners who meet the release criteria to allow objecting Israelis to petition Israel's Supreme Court.

But the Supreme Court usually does not interfere with government decisions on swap deals.

Israel's Justice Ministry's decision paves the way for agreements to release 100 Israeli prisoners in Gaza after Tel Aviv said it was willing to release three Palestinian prisoners for every Israeli captive.

Does the deal include anything other than prisoners and a truce?

Yes, according to Hebrew news channels, Israel will allow the entry of 300 trucks per day of relief materials and fuel during the truce period.

Will the deal stop the war in Gaza?

No, Israel has announced that it will continue the war after the armistice period ends.

The Israeli Prime Minister's Office said in its statement that the government, army forces and security services will continue the war to retrieve all those kidnapped, complete the elimination of Hamas, and ensure that Gaza does not pose any threat to the State of Israel.

When does the agreement enter into force?

Israeli Foreign Minister Eli Cohen announced on Wednesday that tomorrow, Thursday, the release of the first batch of Israeli prisoners from Gaza will begin.

Cohen told Army Radio: "Tomorrow, Thursday, the release of the first batch of Israeli hostages begins."

Does the truce cover all arenas?

No, the truce is limited to the Gaza Strip, and does not include the West Bank or the Lebanese-Israeli border.

Source : Anadolu Agency