• Carola in Gävle dreads the rent increases: "Won't be able to manage 500 kronor"

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Carola Leijding is on a disability pension and lives in a one-bedroom apartment of 65 square metres in Bomhus in Gävle. Photo: Anders Öhlund/SVT

  • Caroline chose security over money – left her job as a locum nurse

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Temporary staff cost the region at least twice as much as permanent staff. Region Gävleborg is now investing in attracting temporary agency staff to permanent employment. Listen to hired nurse Caroline in the video that was recently hired by the region. Photo: Petra Åsberg/SVT

  • Police chief on the bribery allegations: "Of course it's embarrassing"

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Listen to Police Area Chief Peter Karlsson in Dalarna react to the detention: "Openness here and now is important" Photo: Johan Lundahl/SVT