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Video duration 18 minutes 34 seconds 18:34

Military expert Major General Fayez al-Duwairi said that the hours before the start of the implementation of the truce will be decisive and violent on both sides, stressing that the occupation army will risk in order to achieve gains on the ground before the cessation of hostilities.

Al-Duwairi explained in an analysis by Al Jazeera that the hours before any ceasefire are decisive and violent, especially with the Israeli occupation army, which historically relies on making breakthroughs to achieve ground stability before the cessation of hostilities comes into effect.

He said he believed Israeli forces would try to penetrate southern Jabalia with full force and speed before the truce, which was announced on Wednesday morning, came into effect.

According to what has been announced, the temporary cessation of hostilities will begin 24 hours after it was approved, that is, by dawn on Friday.

Al-Duwairi said that the occupation has been promoting for days that it is besieging Jabalia against the truth, and therefore will try to penetrate it quickly and with the support of heavy air, artillery and sea bombardment, in the hope of gaining hundreds of meters or dividing northern Gaza into 4 sections before the start of the truce.

Although this attempt carries a kind of risk, the occupation army will try to take advantage of this violation to reposition its forces on the contact line during the cessation of hostilities because this is not considered a violation, according to the military expert.

On the other hand, al-Duwairi expects Hamas to carry out counter-operations to the Israeli move, similar to what happened in Juhr al-Dik and the Indonesian hospital, and also to bomb Tel Aviv to send a message that it is negotiating from a position of equal strength.


Regarding the new mechanism sent by the occupation army to Gaza, Al-Duwairi said that it is called the bridge laying and that it belongs to the Corps of Engineers and is used to fill deep water or ground gaps, noting that the occupation expects the presence of ground trenches in areas such as Khan Yunis, which are less dense in terms of the number of buildings than Gaza City.

Regarding the 155mm artillery bombs supplied by the United States to the Israeli army despite objections from several American organizations, Duwairi said they were used to hit targets ranging from 18 to 30 kilometers.

There are several types of these bombs, some of which have great destructive capabilities, especially the type that can be fragmented, and cause many victims in crowded places such as Gaza.

Source : Al Jazeera