Since April this year, the Public Health Agency of Sweden has been commissioned by the Swedish government to map involuntary loneliness in Sweden. They will find out how widespread it is and in which groups are most affected.

Based on the survey, a proposal for a national strategy to reduce involuntary loneliness will then be developed, which will be presented in February 2025.

"Different levels of society need to be involved in this work. We're talking about government agencies, regions, municipalities and the non-profit sector," says Hillevi Busch.

Start the clip to hear how involuntariness can affect us and what role social media plays.

Young people and older people are particularly vulnerable

In 2022, the Public Health Agency of Sweden asked questions about perceived loneliness for the first time in the national public health survey. It showed that loneliness and isolation were particularly prevalent among young adults and the elderly. The next public health survey will be conducted in 2024.

"It's not just the individual's own responsibility. Of course you have a responsibility for yourself and so on, but involuntary loneliness is also greater than that.