During Tuesday's meeting in Vänersborg, the regional board decided that the Göteborg Opera will be allowed to invest in a new theatre system – for SEK 100 million.

According to the chairman of the regional board, Helén Eliasson (S), it is a priority that is necessary for the almost 30-year-old opera house to continue to be in use.

"Culture is an important part of our ability to have a good life in our region, and our Gothenburg Opera is enormously important for this to contribute to a good culture. After 30 years, you need to replace spare parts and technology to be able to provide a good culture that our residents are proud of, says Helén Eliasson (S).

Agreed in the decision

Despite the region's ongoing cost-cutting requirements in healthcare, all parties supported the decision to support the opera in its investment.

"The property and fixtures are getting older and older and the development is progressing, so if you want to be able to have several activities going on at the same time, we need to actually also invest in that business," says Lars Holmin (M), vice chairman of the regional board.

"It's always a matter of prioritizing, but in this case we're otherwise completely without a functioning technology, so this is important for us to be able to have an opera house," says Helén Eliasson (S).