The Gaza Strip has been severely devastated by Israeli aggression (Getty Images)

The head of the government media office in the Gaza Strip announced that the death toll in the Gaza Strip as a result of the Israeli aggression has risen to 14,532 martyrs, including more than 6,4 children and 70,<> women, which constitutes about <>% of the martyrs, since the seventh of last October.

The head of the media office said in a press conference that the number of martyrs of medical staff reached 205 doctors, nurses and paramedics, and 25 civil defense crews and 64 journalists were martyred, while the number of injuries exceeded 35,75, more than <>% of them are children and women.

A statement by the media office said that the number of destroyed government headquarters reached 102, while 266 schools were destroyed, of which 67 schools were completely out of service.

The number of mosques completely destroyed reached 85, while 174 mosques were partially destroyed, in addition to 3 churches were targeted.

The statement pointed out that the number of housing units that were completely demolished amounted to 45,233 housing units, in addition to 26,55 housing units that were partially demolished, 56 hospitals and <> health centers were out of service, and the Israeli occupation targeted <> ambulances, while dozens of ambulances were out of service due to running out of fuel.

The statement stated that markets and shops in Gaza suffer from the scarcity and lack of basic and various food materials, and this comes in conjunction with the complete cessation of the work of bakeries, and the absence of hundreds of types of food from the markets.

The government office in Gaza called on "Arab and Islamic countries to work hard to open the Rafah crossing, and to provide all hospitals in the governorates of the Gaza Strip with the necessary medical supplies to restart them."

The Qatari Foreign Ministry announced at dawn on Wednesday that a humanitarian truce agreement had been reached in the Gaza Strip between Israel and the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), and the timing of its start will be announced within 24 hours.

Since the seventh of last October, the Israeli occupation has launched an aggression against Gaza in the wake of the Al-Aqsa flood operation.

Source : Al Jazeera + Anatolia