United Nations, 11 Nov (ZXS) -- The UN Security Council held a public meeting on the Palestinian-Israeli issue on 22 November. China's Permanent Representative to the United Nations, Zhang Jun, spoke at the meeting, calling on the international community to step up efforts to revitalize the political prospects of the two-state solution.

Zhang Jun said: Any solution to the current situation must not deviate from the "two-state solution" and should be conducive to regional peace and stability. Any arrangement concerning the future and destiny of Palestine must be made with the consent of the Palestinian people and take into account the legitimate concerns of the countries of the region. The United Nations should continue to play an active role in building international consensus and advancing the peace process. The Security Council should stand ready to take responsible and meaningful action on the Palestinian-Israeli situation to ensure that it can stand the test of history and conscience.

Zhang Jun said that the international community should step up efforts to promote an immediate ceasefire and end the fighting. Security Council resolution 2712 represents an important first step towards a ceasefire and de-escalation that must be implemented immediately and fully to achieve a lasting ceasefire and avert a greater humanitarian catastrophe. Israel must end its military operations against civilian facilities, such as hospitals and schools, and curb the escalating settler violence in the West Bank. China welcomes the active mediation efforts of Qatar and Egypt to facilitate the release of some of the detainees. China supports further diplomatic efforts to promote the early release of more detainees, and hopes that this will open up political space for dialogue and consultation and the restoration of peace.

Zhang Jun said that the international community should step up efforts to promote the all-out protection of civilians. China strongly condemns the clear violations of international humanitarian law in the Gaza Strip and opposes any collective punishment of Palestinian civilians and forced displacement and forced relocation. China urges Israel to lift the blockade of the Gaza Strip as soon as possible and fully restore the supply of water, electricity, fuel and other basic supplies. China calls for the urgent opening of more relief corridors to the Gaza Strip and the full use of the crossings, including Kerem Shalom, to ensure the unhindered and efficient entry of sufficient humanitarian supplies into the Gaza Strip from all directions. China supports the Security Council's further action on this issue on the basis of resolution 2712.

Zhang Jun said that the Palestinian-Israeli situation has touched the nerves of the whole world, and China has been making unremitting efforts to restore peace. On November 11, the BRICS countries held their first summit after the enlargement. The Chinese leader comprehensively expounded China's position and propositions on promoting a ceasefire and ending hostilities and achieving lasting peace and security, and issued a voice of justice and peace, charting the way for easing the current situation and fundamentally resolving the problem. The leaders called on the international community to support a just settlement of the Palestinian question and to promote the realization of the two-State solution. On November 21, a joint delegation of foreign ministers of Arab and Islamic countries visited China and conducted in-depth communication and coordination with China on de-escalating the current Palestinian-Israeli conflict, protecting civilians and resolving the Palestinian issue justly. (ENDS)