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The police cordoned off the damaged border crossing

Photo: Derek Gee/AP

A car exploded at the border crossing between Canada and the United States. According to American media, two people were killed and a border guard employee was injured. According to initial findings, the dead are said to be the vehicle occupants. The crossing near Niagara Falls in New York State and three other crossings were closed as a result. This was announced by the FBI.

The cause of the explosion is still unclear. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has taken over the investigation. On the spot, local police forces secure the place explosion. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has also been informed of the incident, it said. The White House said it was closely monitoring the situation at the border.

Canada's Minister of Public Safety said it was too early to speak of a deliberate act. Meanwhile, pictures of the border crossing appeared on social media. It shows charred parts of the border post, as well as smoke and car parts.

According to initial information, the car was driving from the Canadian side in the direction of the USA. The explosion occurred when the car was on its way to a second search at the border post. At a first checkpoint, the documents of the occupants had already been checked. Meanwhile, security measures have been increased at surrounding airports and border crossings.
