Loose defenses fall into the trap

Analysis of the case of Yang Haibo, former secretary of the party group and director of the Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television of Ankang City, Shaanxi Province, for serious violations of discipline and law

Reporter Song Yu

Yang Haibo, male, born in May 1963, started working in October 5 and joined the Communist Party of China in July 1982. He used to be the principal of Xunyang County Secondary Vocational and Technical School in Ankang City, Shaanxi Province; Director of Xunyang County Government Office; Member of the Standing Committee of Xunyang County Party Committee and Minister of the Propaganda Department; Deputy Secretary of Xunyang County Party Committee; Member of the Standing Committee of the Ningshan County Party Committee and Deputy County Magistrate of Ankang City; Deputy Director of the Propaganda Department of Ankang Municipal Party Committee; Member of the Party Group and Secretary-General of the Ankang CPPCC; Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Ankang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television.

In November 2021, Yang Haibo was reviewed and investigated by the Ankang Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervision on suspicion of serious violations of discipline and law, and was taken into custody. In January 11, Yang Haibo was expelled from the party and expelled from public office; The issue of his suspected crime was transferred to the procuratorate for review and prosecution in accordance with law. In May 2022, Yang Haibo was sentenced to three years in prison and fined RMB 1,2022 for taking bribes.

After joining the work, Yang Haibo has experienced a number of important positions and has achieved some outstanding results, with good performance and reputation. However, with the promotion of his position and the increase of power in his hands, he relaxed the tempering of party spirit, forgot the sense of discipline and law, and completely lost his enthusiasm and enthusiasm for work. In particular, in frequent contact with businessmen and bosses, he was blinded by greed, carried away by power, completely forgot the duty of a party member and leading cadre, betrayed the trust and trust of the organization, got closer and closer to unscrupulous businessmen, and wantonly used the power in his hands to seek personal gains. In the end, Yang Haibo was investigated and punished in the year of retirement, leaving endless regrets and remorse.

Slimming is not due to wind and decay

The work began as a teacher, starting at the grassroots level, and Yang Haibo was an inspirational young man in his early years. In the eyes of his colleagues, he is capable and talented, and at the age of 26, he became the principal of Xunyang County Secondary Vocational and Technical School in Ankang City. During his 13 years of working in the education system, Yang Haibo's work has been carried out impressively, thanks to organizational training and personal efforts. In 1995, at the age of 32, he became the director of the Xunyang County Government Office and gradually stepped into a leadership position.

Since then, he has successively served as the head of the Propaganda Department of the county party committee, the deputy secretary of the county party committee, and the deputy county magistrate of the county government. In May 2010, Yang Haibo was appointed as Secretary of the Party Leadership Group and Director of the Ankang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television (later renamed the "Ankang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television").

Ankang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Cultural Relics, Radio, Film and Television undertakes the responsibility of overall planning of the city's cultural undertakings, cultural industries, tourism, cultural relics and museums and the development of radio and television. Especially since the 2010th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the cultural industry has ushered in a golden period of rapid development, and the intensity of project construction and financial support has been increasing. According to the case-handling personnel, from 2018 to 100, Yang Haibo handled 14 projects of more than <> million yuan.

The aura of "number one" made Yang Haibo quickly surround him with a group of businessmen and bosses, some invited him to eat and drink, and some wanted to "make friends" with him. From asking for warmth, inviting food and drink, to calling brothers and brothers, sending money and gifts, and then to blatantly conveying benefits, Yang Haibo is firmly tied to it through a network of relationships that interweave various human feelings and interests through continuous emotional investment.

No matter how small the work style is, it is a stain on the political character of the communists to "resist corruption and never get wet," and if they do not arouse vigilance and resist them, they will sow the seeds of danger. In December 2012, a public cultural project in Ankang started construction. According to public information, the project covers an area of 12 acres, with a total construction area of 41,14825 square meters and a total investment of about 1 million yuan.

In order to get Yang Haibo's care and support, so that he could get the project money smoothly in the later stage, in the Spring Festival of 2013, Min Mou, the project manager of a construction company in Shaanxi Province, who was responsible for the construction, came to visit Yang Haibo's office with a box of tea. After leaving, Min specially sent a message to Yang Haibo, "Don't give away the tea."

The tea box was neatly packed with 10,<> yuan in cash, which made Yang Haibo's heart tremble. "I called him after I found out, and he had returned to Xi'an, and expressed his gratitude to me for cooperating with them, and I didn't turn it down in the end." At this time, Yang Haibo went through an ideological struggle, but after all, he was defeated by his greed.

After getting the "tea box" sent by the construction party, Yang Haibo not only took the initiative to inquire and vigorously support the construction of the main project of the project, but also actively helped the construction party to coordinate all aspects of the relationship. The construction of the project is progressing smoothly and both parties are "satisfied". This is the first bribe Yang Haibo received, which is not so much a "misstep" as a "bait". Tracing back to the source, it is still not self-cultivation and impure nature.

The loosening of faith often occurs unconsciously, and the lack of faith and belief is not firm, and the desire for power and money naturally prevails and fills the heart. After being examined and investigated, Yang Haibo reflected on the root cause of his own path of crime, "Falling into the trap in the face of great temptation and desire can only show that my party spirit is not tempered enough, and my moral cultivation is not pure, so that I have lost my way, which is the fundamental reason why I have come to this point." ”

Lost step by step, willing to be hunted and abused power

If you can't resolutely resist it from the beginning, it will form a broken window effect, and you will lose step by step. In July 2013, Chen, the legal representative of a landscape lighting company in Ankang, came to Yang Haibo's office, and Mao recommended himself to contract the night lighting project of the above-mentioned public cultural project, and said that "I will thank you after the fact". Because he didn't know the technical strength of this company, Yang Haibo did not express his position.

A few months later, when Yang Haibo went to the construction site to inspect the site, he met Chen again, and Chen mentioned the matter again, and Yang Haibo agreed on the spot. In January 2014, the company successfully won the bid. The day after winning the bid, in order to express his gratitude and ensure that the contract was signed and the project payment was paid in time, Chen sent 1,10 yuan in cash to Yang Haibo.

In the process of staggering with unscrupulous businessmen and pushing cups and changing lamps, the two parties formed a tacit and deformed trading relationship. Yang Haibo, who tasted the sweetness, was not only deeply trapped in it, but also deeply trapped.

Li, the legal representative of a construction engineering company in Shaanxi Province who has a close relationship with Yang Haibo, is one of the important bribers. In March 2013, the Ankang Cultural Industry Development Center renovated the Municipal Theater, and Yang Haibo served as the leader of the decoration leading group. In order to contract the decoration project, Li asked an acquaintance to introduce Yang Haibo and gave him a "meeting gift" of 3,20 yuan at his home.

Since then, Li has hosted banquets for Yang Haibo in Ankang, Xi'an and other places many times. At the request of Li, Yang Haibo discussed with Liu, then deputy director of the Ankang Cultural Industry Development Center, and others on the grounds that Li participated in the design of the theater decoration scheme in advance, which was conducive to the acceleration of the project and the completion of the project as scheduled, and proposed that Li could be given priority under the premise of meeting the qualification conditions and legal procedures.

After receiving Yang Haibo's instructions, Liu (handled in a separate case) specially greeted the relevant personnel of the bidding agency to ensure that Li's company successfully won the bid. One day in July 2013, Li came to Yang Haibo's house again and gave him 7,50 yuan in cash. In order to circumvent supervision, Yang Haibo played a clever trick and deposited the 70,<> yuan he received from Li into his mother's bank card for family expenses such as buying a house.

Eat people with a soft mouth and take people with short hands. Due to Yang Haibo's lack of strict control, the project was directly tendered for public bidding without submitting for examination in accordance with the regulations, which not only caused the project settlement cost and the maximum price to be inflated, but also exceeded the settlement approval cost by more than 300 million yuan.

The results of the review and investigation showed that all the bribes received by Yang Haibo occurred between 2013 and 2014. After investigation, from 2013 to 2014, he took advantage of his position to provide assistance to others in the implementation of project contracting and project allocation, and illegally accepted 90,<> yuan in cash from others.

With the continuous deepening of the comprehensive and strict management of the party, the screws of "strictness" have been tightened more and more, especially the investigation and handling of some corruption cases, which has formed a powerful deterrent effect in the whole society, which has made Yang Haibo, who has always been cautious, feel afraid. He knows very well that stepping on the red line of discipline and law will pay the price sooner or later. "After 2014, Yang Haibo broke off contact with the businessman boss who gave him money, and he mistakenly believed that over time, the facts of his violations of discipline and law would be slowly 'erased'." The case-handling officer said.

There is a difference between public and private, good and evil. No matter how close the relationship is, no matter how deep the relationship, we must grasp the bottom line: love must not break the law. Yang Haibo lost his sense of proportion, was distracted by selfish desires, and went to the opposite side of his life.

After the case, Yang Haibo reflected: "We must face the reality, bear the due punishment, and bear the due responsibility. I found out what didn't belong to me, and explained that the stolen money was handed over, and it was easier and even healthy. Being overweight and greedy for money are all diseases caused by 'gluttony'! So sick that he doesn't even have ideals and beliefs! ”

Luck and self-deception lead to a big mistake

Yang Haibo often uses "poetry and distant hand-in-hand" to talk about the work plan to promote the deep integration of culture and tourism. However, when the work is mixed with power and money transactions, when he "holds hands" with illegal businessmen, the poetry and distance he talks about are no longer so poetic, and what follows is the transgression of the bottom line of party discipline and state law, and the destruction of a fair and just business environment.

In June 2020, the Ankang Municipal Audit Bureau conducted a routine audit of the budget implementation of the theater renovation project, and believed that there was a false statement between the settlement cost and the maximum price limit, and the project settlement was untrue, so it entrusted a construction engineering consulting company to recompile the maximum price at the current price, and reviewed the project settlement, and found relevant clues. In December of the same year, Liu, then deputy director of the Cultural Industry Development Center, was placed on file for investigation, and clues about Yang Haibo's suspected violations of discipline and law gradually surfaced.

After investigation, the Ankang Municipal Bureau of Culture, Tourism, Radio, Film and Television, as the competent department of the Municipal Cultural Industry Development Center, did not perform its supervision and management duties in the theater decoration project, resulting in the decoration project The maximum price limit was not submitted for review in accordance with the regulations, and the bidding was in violation of regulations, causing serious consequences.

"Yang Haibo has come to this point, which is very sad and regrettable, and the organization has given him many opportunities to remind him on different occasions that he wants to save him." According to the case-handling personnel, after Liu was placed on file for investigation, Yang Haibo has been holding on to luck, turning a blind eye to the opportunities given by the organization, distrusting the organization, being vigilant everywhere, and taking the wrong way to deceive himself, which eventually led to a big mistake.

Worried that the matter would be exposed, Yang Haibo arranged for his wife to find Li with 70,55 yuan, intending to return it all. Due to the situation, Li finally only accepted <>,<> yuan. During this period, Yang Haibo racked his brains and took great pains, and even simulated various scenarios that might occur with relevant personnel, agreed on different explanations, and tried to get away with it.

Yang Haibo's erroneous logic is, "Anyway, the money has been refunded, and it doesn't matter how much or less is returned, what matters is the act of 'returning the money'." In his opinion, he and Li are "iron buddies", as long as Li does not confess, he can still get 15,<> yuan in his hands.

It turns out that the hunters "turn their faces faster than they turn the pages of books". For party members and cadres who violate discipline and law, they can't hide or escape the mistakes they have made, and only by giving up their illusions and taking the initiative to explain their problems to the organization is the only choice for self-salvation.

"The world is wonderful, the world is helpless. All kinds of people, all kinds of things, temptations and traps are everywhere, and the slightest carelessness will lead to great disaster. We must put on 'protective clothing' for ourselves, we must learn to discern clearly, we must learn to refuse, we must learn to fortify, we must know how to abandon them, and we must respect the law and discipline. Yang Haibo confessed.

No amount of effort to hide your inner turmoil will help. During the period of liuzhi, the case-handling personnel led Yang Haibo to revisit his original intention of joining the party, making him realize that "we must believe in the organization and rely on the organization", and began to take the initiative to cooperate with the organization's review and investigation, and take the initiative to hand over the stolen money. In the confession, Yang Haibo also wrote earnestly: "I am willing to sincerely repent, change my past mistakes, be a useful person in society and family, and warn future generations to take me as a model, be ashamed of me, and not repeat the mistakes of the past." ”

Only by beginning cautiously can we end well. Now it seems that when Yang Haibo decided to accept the tea box containing 10,<> yuan in cash, he began to embark on a road of no return.

Yang Haibo's Confession (excerpt)

I am deeply aware of my serious mistakes, first, I have smeared the party and added chaos to the organization, and I am sorry for the cultivation of the party, the trust of the organization, and the teachings of the leadership; the second is to let the family suffer disasters and suffer humiliation, be unfilial to parents, and be inaccurate and undisciplined in children's education; Third, they will plunge themselves into a place of no return, and will accept severe punishment under party discipline and state law.

The main reasons why we have come to this point are four aspects:

First, the cultivation of party spirit and morality is not firm, and falling into the trap in the face of great temptations and desires can only show that one's party spirit is not tempered enough, the sense of purpose is not strong, and the moral cultivation is not pure, so that one has lost his way. That's the fundamental reason why I've come to this point.

Second, he did not abide by party discipline and state law, accepted bribes from others many times, and seriously violated party discipline and state law, indicating that he did not have a strong sense of discipline and law, and did not keep the bottom line firmly. That's the direct reason why I've come this far.

Third, the study is not in-depth and the comparison is not timely. They did not arm themselves with the party's theories, especially by checking their own behavior against party discipline and state law, and purifying their own thoughts. That's a big reason why I've come this far.

Fourth, luck psychology and confused thinking kill people. He should have confessed to the organization and surrendered himself, but he hoped to use the method of returning the money to urge the other party to cooperate with the audit, verify the situation, return the extra money, reduce the loss of state-owned assets, and eliminate the "time bomb" to save face. If the direction is wrong and the method is wrong, the result will inevitably be wrong. That's the subjective reason why I'm where I am today.

During this period of time, I deeply reflected on the severity of my problem and the final result. Through organizational education, we have a deeper understanding of the wisdom and strength of the party and the organization; Through a comprehensive review of my nearly 40 years of work for the party and the people, as well as my dismissal when I was about to retire, I am deeply ashamed. I only hate that I can't undo the big mistakes and disasters I have made, and I can't extricate myself from extreme pain, self-blame, remorse and fear. I have a deeper understanding that no matter what the result is, it reflects the organization's greatest education and salvation for me. The current result is all self-inflicted, and you must face and bear it. I must know my mistakes, correct my mistakes, and admit my guilt and accept punishment.

A big mistake is made, a big disaster is coming, I regret not being at the beginning, but I can't go back to the past. Knowing my mistakes and correcting my mistakes, pleading guilty and accepting punishment, I honestly accept the organization's punishment. The years are short, but there is still some time, I am willing to sincerely repent, change the past, be a useful person to the society and the family, and warn future generations to learn from me, be ashamed of me, and not repeat the mistakes of the past.