For example, new videos of the destruction of Israeli armored vehicles by Hamas militants show that IDF units, although they are advancing deep into the Gaza Strip, are making mistakes that the Palestinians almost immediately use.

Numerous photos and videos clearly show that the IDF's heavy equipment, on which the IDF relied, is being actively destroyed in the dense urban areas of the Gaza Strip.

Footage disseminated by Hamas shows that the Merkava Mk.3/Mk.4 tanks and the Namer armored personnel carriers are in a tight group, which probably made them easier to destroy.

On the ground, such columns should be dispersed. This should be done at least in such a way that the front rows do not interfere with the rear rows and vice versa, so that the sectors of fire are preserved and so that there are no many hidden ways of approaching the place of deployment.

Knowing how mobile groups of Palestinians prefer to operate, the Israeli army should have paid special attention to the observance of these rules.

For more details, see the analysis of the Military Chronicle.