The newly elected mayor of Chercos (Almería), José Antonio Torres (PP), 98 years old, has been "admitted" this noon to the health center of Albox after the "escrache" he has suffered after the extraordinary plenary session in which a motion of censure has prospered that has returned him to the presidency of the Consistory.

In a note, the PP has blamed the PSOE for having "organized" this action at the door of the mayor's home once he has left the town hall in front of which dozens of neighbors have protested against this motion of censure with whistles, megaphones and other elements shouting "scoundrel" or chants such as 'They come from Almeria to take away the mayor's office', among others.

From the 'popular' formation they have pointed out that if Torres is again mayor of this municipality of barely 300 inhabitants located in the Almanzora Valley it is because "a legitimate and democratic motion of censure has prospered", which allows him "to occupy the mayor's office in which he has already been 28 years".

The 'popular' have thus disliked that a dozen people "encouraged by the PSOE of Almeria, among which was the former deputy mayor María Dolores Mena, daughter of the former mayor of the PSOE", have gone after the end of the plenary session, according to their version, to the home of the first mayor to "rebuke, insult and threaten him".

From the PP they have criticized the "harassment" to "unsuspected limits" to which the mayor has been subjected by "members of the socialist picket" with "disqualifications" and "even knockingon the windows and door of his home", as they have described.

In this sense, they have pointed out that Torres, despite having "ignored" the "violence" that he has detected on his arrival at the Plenary, where several demonstrators have already whistled at his arrival and have thrown counterfeit bills at him before entering the city hall; He was finally overwhelmed by the situation and required medical assistance.

The PP added that both the mayor and all the members of the PP of Almeria who were with him, such as provincial deputies or mayors of the region who have come to the plenary session to accompany the councilor, "have had to be escorted by the Civil Guard in the face of the attempts of aggression by the PSOE".

"Torres has today extended his hand to the Socialist Group in the City Council once the plenary session is over despite assuring that the attitude of the PSOE hurt him in the depths of his being and has pointed out that he will continue to work for his municipality with the same enthusiasm as always," they added from the PP.

The president of the Junta de Andalucía and the PP-A, Juanma Moreno, has published a message of "support and encouragement" to Torres (PP), "victim of despicable harassment" for which he has been hospitalized for a few hours.

This was expressed by the Andalusian president in a message on his account on the social network 'X' after the new councillor was "admitted" for a few hours to the health centre in Albox (Almeria). Sources from the PP in Almeria have explained to Europa Press that the mayor has already been discharged.

  • Almeria
  • PSOE