"I believe that the regions should be deprived of maximum powers to regulate the alcohol market, and then there will be order. All the liquors, all the problems arose due to the fact that the regions received the right to create their own regional laws, in 2012 they were given such a right up to the introduction of dry laws in their territories," the analyst explained.

He recalled that according to the federal law, stores can sell alcoholic beverages in the evening until 23:00.

"[Regions] began to restrict the work of stores: where 21:00 or 22:00 is the time for limiting sales. As a result, stores began to look for the possibility of various loopholes to continue operating. Until 21:00 p.m.-22:00 p.m., they sold as shops, and then they declared themselves a café, a bar, or any other trading organization," the expert concluded.

Earlier, Volodin stated the need to solve the problem of the sale of alcohol in residential buildings.

He recalled that a bill was submitted to the State Duma aimed at suppressing cases of trade in low-quality alcohol and banning the work of "liqueurs" at night.

According to him, the bill will be considered as a priority.