During his explanation of vote on the draft UN Security Council resolution on the extension of the sanctions regime against Yemen, the diplomat said that Washington's self-serving attempts to use sanctions against Yemen look cynical.

"This conclusion is led by how outrageously the US military treated military products intercepted in the Gulf of Oman in December last year, which were transported by Washington to Ukraine for the needs of the Kiev regime," Polyansky said.

Such actions by the Americans run counter to the provisions of not only the relevant Security Council resolutions on Yemen, but also the norms of international law, he stressed.

"The disastrous situation at the front for the Armed Forces of Ukraine is not an excuse for such steps. If they continue on the part of Washington, it will have the most serious consequences," he said.

In January, U.S. Naval Central Command reported the interception of a fishing boat carrying 2,<> Kalashnikov assault rifles in the Gulf of Oman.

In October, it became known that the United States transferred more than 1 million cartridges confiscated from Iran to Ukraine.