According to Yarmush, it is necessaryto suppress the sale of alcohol in residential buildings. She also added that such places often sell products to minors.

In addition, according to her, there may be a situation when people have gathered in a company, celebrate something, bought alcohol in advance, but within walking distance you can still buy alcohol, and then, as the RT interlocutor emphasized, "abuses begin."

"We need to put up barriers and restrictions. This is such a topical issue that it is necessary to solve it as a matter of priority as soon as possible," the lawyer concluded.

Earlier, Volodin stated the need to solve the problem of the sale of alcohol in residential buildings.

He recalled that a bill was submitted to the State Duma aimed at suppressing cases of trade in low-quality alcohol and banning the work of "liqueurs" at night.

According to him, the bill will be considered as a priority.