21 patients with their companions forced to leave Jerusalem in preparation for their return to Gaza (Reuters)

Occupied Jerusalem - By order of the occupation authorities, the administration of the Palestinian Makassed Hospital in Jerusalem was forced to transfer dozens of Gaza patients and their companions to the town of Al-Eizariya, which was separated by the separation wall east of the city, at a time when the Jerusalem governorate sought to host them until their return to the Gaza Strip.

The Director General of Makassed Hospital, Dr. Adnan Farhoud – for Al Jazeera Net – that 21 Gazan patients who ended their treatment in the hospital were transferred, in addition to 20 escorts to the town of Bethany until a mechanism is available in which they return to the Gaza Strip.

Farhoud added that these patients arrived at the hospital for treatment of various diseases before the outbreak of the aggression on Gaza on the seventh of last October, and that some of them underwent surgery, and others underwent some tests and follow-ups, and were unable after the end of their treatment trip to leave the hospital because of the war.

Terminally ill patients receive treatment in Jerusalem hospitals under Israeli permission for a limited period (Reuters)

"The Israeli authorities refused to renew the permits of those who had completed their treatment, and requested their deportation to the West Bank, considering that their residency in Jerusalem was illegal," Farhoud said.

Al Jazeera Net learned that the hospital administration coordinated with the Jerusalem Governorate – on the official Palestinian representation of the city – to provide accommodation and all the needs of those who left the hospital, while 35 Gazans are still between a patient under treatment and facilities are in the departments of various purposes.

According to a Jerusalem source, the Jerusalem governorate provided the needs of patients and their companions, considering the issue "humanitarian par excellence," and that it is working to coordinate the return of those who wish to return to the Gaza Strip, noting that some patients and companions prefer to stay in the West Bank "until the war ends."

The occupation authorities ask the administration of Al-Makassed Hospital in #القدس to deport #غزة patients who came for treatment before October 7 under the pretext of illegal residence to #الضفة_الغربية, and the Jerusalem governorate has provided a means of transportation to transport them pic.twitter.com/NuRo71px67

— Al Jazeera Net | Quds (@Aljazeeraquds) November 14, 2023

Recently, the East Jerusalem Hospitals Network, which consists of six hospitals, held a meeting to arrange their preparations to receive wounded from the Gaza Strip if they are allowed to do so, according to a previous interview with Al Jazeera Net.

Jerusalem hospitals are a major destination for treating Gaza's wounded. Farhoud said that the cases of wounded who arrive in Jerusalem from Gaza after wars are usually "complex and complex, which need intensive care and the intervention of several specialties at the same time, most notably general surgery, orthopedics, neurosurgery and blood vessels".

Most of these cases "need a series of surgeries for each wounded, and some of them reach stability after a full year, during which seven surgeries are performed in the same specialty", he said.

Since the outbreak of the war on Gaza, the occupation has imposed strict military measures in Jerusalem, including arrests, arrests and assaults on young men, in addition to storming Al-Makassed Hospital several times to search for those whose permits have expired.

Source : Al Jazeera