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Footage of the Israeli military, published on Platform X: The video purportedly shows a tunnel system of the Islamist Hamas below the evacuated Rantisi Children's Hospital in Gaza. With the publication, Israel wants to prove that the terrorists are deliberately hiding under hospitals.

Daniel Hagari, Israeli army spokesman:

"The tunnel is covered so that no one can find it. The tunnel shaft leads down more than 20 meters."

The information and video recordings cannot be independently verified. The war in the Middle East is also a war of images. The Israeli military accuses Hamas of hiding its military infrastructure near and under hospital buildings, thereby deliberately accepting civilian casualties. Images of injured or killed civilians then go around the world, increasing the pressure on Israel.

With regular video releases, Israel's military is fighting for the sovereignty of interpretation. The footage now shown is intended to justify the harsh action against hospitals as well. An alleged weapons cache is said to be visible, which is said to be located in the basement of the Rantisi children's clinic.

Daniel Hagari, Israeli army spokesman:

"I want you to understand that. This type of equipment is equipment for fierce fights. This is explosives, this is a vest, a vest with explosives. A vest for terrorists to explode near the soldiers, near hospitals and patients. We have hand grenades, Kalashnikovs."

The hostages kidnapped by Hamas terrorists on October 7 are also believed to be somewhere in the tunnel systems. Indications of this are also said to be provided by the published recordings of the military. This is not verifiable either.

Daniel Hagari, Israeli army spokesman:

"Here's a list. This list is in Arabic. It says: We are in an operation, the operation against Israel. Started on October 7th. It's a guard list where every terrorist writes his name, and every terrorist has a shift to guard the hostages who were here."

Particularly affected by the fighting between Hamas and Israel is the Shifa clinic, which is also located in northern Gaza. According to the Hamas-controlled Ministry of Health, around 650 patients and 1500,<> asylum seekers are said to be staying there. The Israeli military suspects that the hospital is Hamas' main command center.

The largest clinic in the Gaza Strip has reportedly ceased operations due to a lack of electricity. According to the Ministry of Health, several premature babies have already died due to failed incubators. The Israeli military has now released images purporting to show incubators being transported from Israel to Gaza. Again, this information cannot be independently verified.