Alexandre Chauveau / Photo credit: Mohammed BADRA / POOL / AFP 23:00 p.m., November 14, 2023

While his absence from the march "against anti-Semitism and for the Republic" last Sunday caused controversy, the head of state did not write to the presidents of the two chambers to encourage or thank them.

No calls, no texts. Not before, not during, not after the demonstration. According to information from Europe 1, if Emmanuel Macron did not participate in the march against anti-Semitism, preferring to address the French in an open letter published by Le Parisien, the President of the Republic did not write to the presidents of the two chambers either.

Need to be "in action"

Yaël Braun-Pivet, President of the National Assembly, and Gérard Larcher, President of the Senate, have not received any call or message from the Head of State since the launch of the initiative. According to information from Europe 1, he has not written to them since Sunday. The President of the Republic justified his absence by the need to be "in action". About 105,000 people demonstrated in Paris on Sunday, and more than 180,000 across France. Since the start of the war between Israel and Hamas on October 7, France has seen more than 1,200 anti-Semitic acts.

>> ALSO READ – March against anti-Semitism: "We want to protect each and every one of the children of this Republic," says Yaël Braun-Pivet

Emmanuel Macron has not yet spoken publicly about the march. The day after the demonstration, the head of state received representatives of religions at the Elysée Palace, making them an appeal for "unity and education".