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Video duration 21 minutes 43 seconds 21:43

The leader of the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas), Osama Hamdan, said that "Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is prolonging the war on the Gaza Strip for personal reasons," and explained that the occupation aims to displace the Palestinian people from the Strip and repeat the Nakba.

Osama Hamdan said at a press conference in the Lebanese capital Beirut on Tuesday that Netanyahu does not care about the Israelis, nor his soldiers in the field.

He sent a message to the families of detainees and foreigners in Gaza that "we want your children to return to you, but the one who obstructs this is the Netanyahu government," calling on the Israeli families detained in the Gaza Strip to pressure "the government of the opportunist Netanyahu, and do not waste time, time is almost running out."

Hamdan said clearly, "Nothing will prevent the liberation of our prisoners in the occupation prisons."

Regarding Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich's remarks welcoming the resettlement of Gazans in Western countries, the Hamas leader said, "We remain on this land, and you are the cowardly passers-by."

In this context, Hamdan considered the occupation's targeting of infrastructure and hospitals in Gaza an attempt to "push our people to flee the Gaza Strip."

He stressed that Hamas is fighting the battle to end the occupation, protect Al-Aqsa Mosque, free prisoners, and establish a Palestinian state with Jerusalem as its capital, and said that "the battle is still in its beginning and the next is greater and greater."

Regarding developments on the ground in the Gaza Strip, the Hamas leader assured the Palestinian people and free peoples that the resistance and the al-Qassam Brigades, the movement's military wing, were safe and in control of the situation.

Medical Sector

The Hamas leader renewed his call to the United Nations and international organizations to come to the Gaza Strip to protect hospitals and medical centers, noting that the movement asked the United Nations to form an international committee to follow up on hospitals in the Gaza Strip to refute the lies of the occupation.

He described the claims of Israeli army spokesman Daniel Hagari regarding the Rantisi Hospital in Gaza as "naïve, revealing the psychological state of a defeated army," and refuted all the allegations he made about the basement under the hospital specialized in treating pediatric cancer patients.

He expressed his appreciation to the Arab, Islamic and free peoples and called on them to continue demonstrating until the Israeli aggression on Gaza stopped.

He considered the burial of 170 bodies in mass graves at Shifa Hospital in Gaza City a shame for the international community, and renewed the demand for the full opening of the Rafah border crossing with Egypt to bring in aid and treat the wounded.

Source : Al Jazeera