Maximien Carlier (special correspondent in Blendecques) / Photo credits: DENIS CHARLET / AFP 08:18 a.m., November 14, 2023

President Emmanuel Macron will visit the Pas-de-Calais region on Tuesday, which has been hit by devastating floods for several days and is still on alert on Tuesday due to a rainfall that could further worsen the situation. In the commune of Blendecques, residents and associations are organizing themselves to provide aid to the victims.


President Emmanuel Macron is visiting Pas-de-Calais on Tuesday, battered by several days of devastating rain, flooding and flooding, and whose residents are bracing for a new rise in water levels after a few days of lull. This weekend, the municipality of Blendecques was particularly affected by the floods. Solidarity is being put in place to provide aid to the victims.

>> READ ALSO - LIVE - Emmanuel Macron in Pas-de-Calais, where a new rise in water levels is expected

"I can't wait to go home"

In this gymnasium-turned-shelter, a grandstand is filled with clothes: T-shirts, sweaters and pants. Hervé, a flood victim, puts on his new boots: "Everything was in the water. Fortunately, there is a solidarity that has been organized because there are people who have nothing left. I was lucky enough to get some clothes so it's okay. We're well received, we eat well, at least we eat hot," he told Europe 1 radio.

A chip stand has been set up next to this gym to distribute meals. Here, donations are pouring in from all sides. This mutual aid is welcomed by Pascal: "For that, we're not going to complain! People came to pick us up by boat. They were quicker than the firefighters. And then people, they're nice. But this is a situation that cannot continue."

>> READ ALSO - 'There was 30 cm of water': Residents in Pas-de-Calais see flood damage

"I can't wait to go back home," said another victim, who is nevertheless apprehensive about the state of his house and does not know when he will be able to move there again.