EU targets for support for Ukraine in question in Brussels

While the Ukrainian counteroffensive does not achieve the spectacular breakthroughs that some had hoped for, the Russian army is increasing the number of its assaults in the east, especially around Adviika. In this context, Ukraine needs the support of its international partners more than ever. Germany is providing new military material aid and increasing its funding, but overall the issue is starting to be a little more complicated for the 27 who had put the issue on the agenda of the defence ministers, meeting on Tuesday 14 November in Brussels, they are mainly concerned with the supply of ammunition.

German Defense Minister Boris Pistorious speaks with the European Union's High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Josep Borrell, as they attend a meeting of European Union defense ministers in Brussels, November 14, 2023. REUTERS - YVES HERMAN

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With our correspondent in Brussels, Pierre Benazet

The European Union is not moving as fast as it had hoped, particularly on the supply of ammunition. It has set itself the goal of supplying one million shells for Ukrainian artillery by March. So far, the Europeans have sent 300,000 rounds of ammunition and the target will not be reached, says German Defense Minister Boris Pistorius.


The right question would actually be whether pledging a million was ever realistic. Voices have been raised to say: be careful, a million is easy to decide, the money is there, but the production must be there! Unfortunately, these warnings are now correct. We have made a great contribution with our framework contracts and we will continue to do so. We are in discussions with the arms industry. Production needs to ramp up and accelerate. This is the watchword of the moment," Boris Pistorius told reporters.

Since May, the European Commission has been tasked with a plan to revive production, but also in the longer term the capacities of the European arms industry. The results are starting to be felt, she said, with an increase in production of about a quarter since February. They want to produce one million rounds of ammunition a year and the head of European diplomacy Josep Borrell proposes to divert exports to Ukraine, a third of which are destined for other countries.

Read alsoUkraine on the EU's doorstep

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