Shoukry stressed that Egypt categorically rejects the forced displacement of Palestinians (French)

Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry said that Israeli violations against Palestinian civilians, especially women and children, amount to "full-fledged war crimes" and condemned Israeli Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich's remarks regarding the displacement of residents of the Gaza Strip.

Shoukry stressed – during his meeting with United Nations Under-Secretary-General Sima Bahous in Cairo on Tuesday – the need for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, and the delivery of humanitarian aid in a full and sustainable manner.

Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Ahmed Abu Zeid said in a statement that the discussions between the minister and the UN official focused on joint action tracks to reduce the deteriorating humanitarian situation in Gaza, and the "grave Israeli attacks against Palestinian civilians that violate the provisions of international law and international humanitarian law."

Shoukry called on the international community to shoulder its responsibility to stop the collective punishment practiced by Israel against the people of Gaza, including targeting, siege, forced displacement and destruction of infrastructure, noting the need to describe these violations by their names, according to the statement.

For her part, Bahous, who is the Executive Director of UN Women, reviewed the deteriorating situation of women and children in Gaza, especially in light of the presence of more than 55,<> pregnant women in the Gaza Strip and the continued bombing of hospitals and their inability to provide health care to the injured and sick.

✔️The Rafah crossing is open and has not been closed at any point since the beginning of the crisis.

✔️We do not accept bidding on Egypt's firm positions in support of Palestinian rights and solidarity with the Palestinian people

✔️Israel's actions on the other side of the crossing hinder and delay the delivery of aid to those who deserve it.

— Egypt MFA Spokesperson (@MfaEgypt) November 13, 2023

The authorities in the Gaza Strip have repeatedly called on Egypt to keep the Rafah crossing permanently open for the entry of humanitarian aid and the transfer of the wounded for treatment outside the Strip.

On the other hand, the Egyptian foreign minister expressed his condemnation of the statements of the Israeli finance minister, who said that "the voluntary migration of the residents of the Gaza Strip to the countries of the world is the right humanitarian solution."

Shoukry said in a ministry statement that "over the past period, there has been a fluidity in the irresponsible statements attributed to Israeli government officials."

Smotrich's statement is an expression of "the Israeli government's policy that violates international laws, and that any attempt to justify and encourage the displacement of Palestinians outside the Gaza Strip is totally unacceptable to Egypt and internationally," he said.

Shoukry also denounced the talk about the displacement of Gazans as if it were taking place voluntarily, stressing that it is "the result of deliberate military targeting of civilians in the Gaza Strip, and deliberate siege and starvation operations, aimed at creating conditions that lead citizens to leave their homes and areas of residence, in a full-fledged war crime."

The foreign minister reiterated Egypt's position "categorically rejecting the policies of forced displacement of Palestinians."

The occupation forces are waging a devastating war on Gaza for the 39th consecutive day, as the number of martyrs reached 11,240, including 4,630 children, 3,130 women, as well as 29,70 wounded, <>% of whom were children and women, according to Palestinian official sources.

Source : Al Jazeera + dpa