As an addendum to the Tidö Agreement, the government and the Sweden Democrats have now agreed on a common climate policy. This makes it more difficult for the opposition to point to divisions on the climate issue between the government and SD, which of course is an important explanation for why the Tidö parties have prioritized this agreement.

In exchange for accepting the goal of zero emissions by 2045, SD will have influence over climate policy. At the same time, the transport target for 2030 is being reviewed, a goal that the government seems to be missing, not least because of the reduced reduction obligation that is expected to increase carbon dioxide emissions, at least in the short term. When the government now considers changing or downplaying the importance of this goal, it is politically controversial, especially among the political opponents.

So even if today's deal makes it more difficult for the opposition to accuse the Tidö parties of disagreement on the climate issue, the criticism of the government's climate policy is not likely to subside.

Expansion of charging infrastructure will not be enough

The reduced reduction obligation, which will be introduced at the turn of the year, is expected to lead primarily to cheaper diesel and at the same time increased emissions. It is unclear how the government will reduce carbon dioxide emissions in other ways. The expansion of charging infrastructure is unlikely to be enough.

What the Government will prioritise instead of reducing emissions is intended to be presented in the climate action plan that will be presented to the Riksdag in the form of a communication no later than December.

The opposition has already begun to sharpen its knives. The climate issue can be important in the battle for, among other things, urban voters. The government is accused of pursuing policies that increase emissions.

MP and C against vote of no confidence

And the Green Party has now also announced that, like the Centre Party, it is ready to demand a vote of no confidence in Climate and Environment Minister Romina Pourmokhtari if the government does not put forward proposals to reduce climate emissions.

The political temperature on climate policy can thus be raised by Christmas, although the opposition will find it difficult to bring down the climate and environment minister as long as the government has a majority in the Riksdag.