With the Israeli occupation continuing to drop about a thousand tons of explosives daily since the seventh of last October on the besieged Gaza Strip, the Ministry of Health in the Gaza Strip announced that the death toll of the Israeli aggression has risen to 9770,4800 Palestinians, including 2550,596 children, 24,<> women and <> elderly, in addition to the injury of more than <>,<> Palestinians.

Ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra said on Sunday in front of Shifa Hospital in Gaza that the occupation has committed 1031 massacres since the beginning of the aggression on the Strip, stressing that Israel has intensified in the past two days the use of internationally banned white phosphorus bombs.

Al-Qudra reported the death of 175 health personnel, and the destruction of 31 ambulances and their outage as a result of the Israeli aggression, adding that the occupation targeted more than 110 health institutions, which led to the outage of 16 hospitals and 32 primary care centers.

Gaza's hospitals are completely unable to provide any health service to the thousands of wounded due to cuts in medical supplies and fuel, al-Qudra said.

The ministry spokesman added that the health system in the Gaza Strip is facing critical hours, especially as it works on secondary generators amid power outages that have been running for a month and exhaustion of old generators that are not qualified for this load.

6 children cite the clock

The figures of victims of the aggression shared by Al-Qudra mean that a Palestinian martyr is killed every 4 minutes by Israel's continuous bombardment of the Gaza Strip for a month, and that 6 children and 4 women are martyred every hour in Gaza.

According to the Interior Ministry in Gaza, Israeli forces have dropped more than 25,<> tons of explosives on Gaza, an average of one thousand tons of explosives per day dropped on the Gaza Strip since the beginning of the aggression.

The nuclear bomb dropped by the United States on Hiroshima and Nagasaki in Japan at the end of World War II in August 1945 was estimated at 15,<> tons of explosives.

This means that the destructive power of the explosives dropped on Gaza is higher than that of Hiroshima, noting that the area of the Japanese city is 900 square kilometers while the area of Gaza does not exceed 360 kilometers, according to the Euro-Med Monitor.

More than 1.6 million displaced

The Ministry of Interior in the Gaza Strip also announced on Sunday that the number of victims of the aggression reached more than 37,<> between martyrs, wounded and missing under the rubble, which civil defense teams could not reach.

The Interior Ministry added that more than one million and 600 Palestinians have been displaced from their homes in the Gaza Strip by the ongoing Israeli aggression, and are staying in shelters, including hospitals, schools, churches and health care centers.

Interior Ministry spokesman Iyad al-Bozm said that Palestinian families in shelters lack the minimum necessities of life, stressing that the occupation targets shelters and hospitals to displace the residents of Gaza City.

Palestinian Health Minister Mai al-Kayla on Sunday sent a message to the international community about the Israeli war in the Gaza Strip, wondering if 30 days of killing would not be enough.

Al-Kayla stressed that providing safe passage for the flow of aid, medicines and fuel to hospitals has become a matter of life and death for the wounded inside hospitals, especially with the occupation deliberately bombing ambulance convoys carrying the wounded, which hinders their transfer to the Rafah crossing for treatment in Egypt.