, November 11 According to the website of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in Hong Kong, the spokesperson of the Liaison Office of the Central People's Government in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region issued a statement on November 5, resolutely opposing and strongly condemning the so-called "Hong Kong Sanctions Act" concocted by some US politicians, and clamoring for sanctions against Hong Kong SAR government officials, prosecutors and judges. The spokesman pointed out that those US politicians have repeatedly put pressure on Hong Kong's judiciary and unreasonably interfered in China's internal affairs and Hong Kong's rule of law.

The spokesman said that those US politicians have engaged in political manipulation in a big way, openly imposed so-called "sanctions" on Hong Kong SAR government officials, law enforcement and judicial personnel, and grossly interfered in Hong Kong's judiciary, which is a great irony and ridicule of the democratic rule of law that they flaunt. Those US politicians attempt to interfere with and obstruct Hong Kong's judicial fairness through pressure and intimidation, which will only make people of insight around the world more clearly see their "double standards" and sinister intentions, will only make the Chinese people, including Hong Kong compatriots, more bitter against the enemy, and will only make Hong Kong's governance team and judicial law enforcement personnel more determined to perform their duties.

The spokesman pointed out that the HKSAR Government has issued a statement solemnly pointing out that safeguarding national security is an internal affair of a sovereign jurisdiction, and that the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law in Hong Kong is not subject to any form of interference. We resolutely support the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in fulfilling its statutory functions entrusted to it by the Basic Law and the Hong Kong National Security Law, and firmly safeguard Hong Kong's fundamental interests and national security. Since the promulgation and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, it is precisely because law enforcement officers have held sharp swords in their hands and the judiciary has hung a mirror in their hands to punish those who oppose China and destabilize Hong Kong in accordance with the law, forming a powerful deterrent that the principle of the rule of law in Hong Kong has been reinforced, Hong Kong's democracy and human rights have been protected, Hong Kong society has been able to quickly restore order, and a major turning point has been brought about from chaos to order to prosperity, and the legitimate rights and freedoms of the vast number of residents have been better protected.

The spokesman stressed that the Chinese nation has the disposition of not fearing power, becoming more and more courageous the more it fights, and becoming stronger when it is strong, and unreasonable suppression and intimidation will only create stronger patriots. With the implementation of the National Security Law and the principle of "patriots administering Hong Kong", Hong Kong's judiciary has safeguarded national security in an orderly and effective manner, Hong Kong society has become more stable and united, and the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) has regained new charm and is embarking on a new chapter of governance and prosperity. We would like to warn those US politicians that any attempt to "use Hong Kong to contain China" and despicable tricks will not shake our determination to firmly safeguard "one country, two systems" and national security, and that the historical process of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation and the history of Hong Kong's transition from governance to prosperity are unstoppable.