The bus accident is being investigated by the police as reckless driving, causing bodily injury and negligent homicide. Skellefteå buss is also investigating the incident in its own way. Initially, they believe that it was the weather, with large amounts of precipitation, that caused the accident," says Marie Larsson.

Skellefteå buss had a higher level of preparedness even before the accident, due to the weather warning that was in place over the weekend. However, Marie Larsson does not believe that they had any reason to cancel the buses on the accident route.

"We had no indication that this route would be worse than any other. Traffic was good all day until this happened," she says.

Offered crisis support

After Saturday evening's accident, in which an 18-year-old man died and another teenager was injured, Skellefteå buss staff have been offered crisis support.

"Of course, our thoughts are very much with those involved and their relatives. The fact that one person has died feels difficult for us as well, it shakes us up, says Maria Larsson.

Hear how the driver of the bus is doing in the clip above.