Xining, November 11 (China News Service) -- On November 4, the inauguration and opening ceremony of the special education school in Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture in Qinghai Province was held. So far, the province's six Tibet-related prefectures have achieved full coverage of special education schools.

"From today onwards, our disabled children currently distributed in various counties can come to special education schools as they wish, and their learning and life will be taken care of by special teachers." Hua Dancairang, chairman of the Disabled Persons' Federation of Goluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province, said.

Previously, in addition to Guoluo Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Yushu Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Huangnan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Hainan Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, Haibei Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture, and Haixi Mongolian Tibetan Autonomous Prefecture all had special education schools.

On November 11, the inauguration and opening ceremony of the special education school in Guoluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province. Photo by Da Wa

The special education school in Golok Prefecture of Qinghai Province is located in Maqin County, Golok Prefecture of Qinghai Province, with an average altitude of 4200,2020 meters. The school started construction in July 7, with a total investment of 2823.5249 million yuan (RMB, the same below), a construction area of 53,<>.<> square meters, and a teaching building, a student dormitory building, a canteen, a guard room, etc.

Since 2020, Guoluo Prefecture has continuously improved the construction conditions of special education schools, and provided door-to-door education services for children and adolescents with severe school-age disabilities to meet the educational needs of children and adolescents with various disabilities.

At present, 452 disabled students in Goluo Prefecture, Qinghai Province, have been sent to receive door-to-door services, and a state-level rehabilitation medical service system has been established to give full play to the role of the Rehabilitation Center for the Disabled in Goluo Prefecture.

Up to now, there are 17 special education schools in Qinghai Province. (ENDS)