Al-Jazeera showed painful testimonies of Palestinian workers after they arrived on the Palestinian side of the Kerem Shalom commercial crossing in the southeast of the Gaza Strip, after the Israeli occupation released them after they were detained in harsh conditions since the start of the war on Gaza.

The occupation army transferred thousands of Gaza workers to the crossing located at the meeting point of the Egyptian-Israeli border with the Gaza Strip after it had arrested them from their places of work in the occupied interior following the outbreak of the war that followed the "Al-Aqsa Flood" operation launched by the Islamic Resistance Movement (Hamas) on October 7.

The released workers appeared to be in a state of extreme fatigue due to the harsh conditions of their detention, while a number of them exalted their pain and suffering, and prostrated themselves on the land of the Gaza Strip with their tongues blazing with praise and thanks to God.

One of the returning workers said that they were subjected to various types of torture, some of them to death, while another indicated that a number of them died after the occupation forces left them at the crossing because of the torture they were subjected to during their detention.

One returning worker said they were dragged every day for interrogation, handcuffed behind their backs and blindfolded, with no food and drink, and another confirmed that they were beaten morning, noon, and night.

The footage shown by the channel showed some of the marks of torture that were visible on the workers' bodies after their arrival, while a sixty-year-old worker reported that they were completely stripped naked during the detention period.

An estimated 3200,18 of the 500,<> workers released were not all in Israel at the time of the war because their jobs were halted due to "Jewish holidays."