The National Police have arrested three people, including the mother, for throwing a baby who died last Thursday in the Mallorcan town of Porto Cristo into a rubbish bin.

According to a spokesperson for the Balearic Islands High Command, after the arrest of the woman who gave birth to the newborn, the investigation remains open to clarify all the circumstances surrounding the events, so no further information will be provided until the investigations are concluded.

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A baby dies after being thrown into a garbage container in Manacor

  • Written by: AGENCIAS Palma

A baby dies after being thrown into a garbage container in Manacor

Police sources have confirmed that the girl had been born prematurely, although they have not specified whether she was still alive when she was abandoned in the rubbish bin or have provided data on the relationship between the mother and the other two detainees.

The investigation has been carried out by the Judicial Police of the Manacor Police Station, with the support of agents of the Scientific Police and Citizen Security, who since Thursday afternoon, when the newborn was found at around 18 p.m., have carried out numerous investigations.

They have reviewed security cameras in the area to try to identify and locate the car in which the baby was taken to the place where she was abandoned, they have reviewed records of health centers to try to find the mother and they have collected data from possible witnesses.

"The rapid resolution of the case has been thanks to citizen collaboration and the excellent coordination and collaboration between the National Police and the Local Police of Manacor," said the Headquarters.

The first information came from a witness who saw how a person got out of a car occupied by at least one other person and left a package in a container with an attitude that seemed suspicious to her.

When he found that what had been thrown in the trash was a newborn, he notified the security forces and agents of the Local Police and the National Police immediately went to the scene and urgently transferred the child to the hospital in Manacor, where his death was confirmed.

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  • National Police