Updated Friday,3November2023 - 15:01

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The advancement of digital transformation accelerates. According to the report 'Digital Society in Spain 2023', far from being limited to purely technological activities, the demand for digital skills is beginning to settle in other non-digital professions, reaching all economic areas. In this context, the nanodegrees of 'Professionals 4.0', the free online training programme promoted by Fundación Telefónica and CEOE, appear. Its objective is to make the productive sectors cutting-edge and competitive thanks to new technologies such as Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain, the Internet of Things or robotics and drones. And, for this, that its human capital is prepared to face the challenges of the digital age is essential.

Today, there are already four 'Professionals 4.0' nanodegrees that have been launched with the help of the employers' associations in these sectors. 'Nanogrado Construcción 4.0' was the first and has the support of Fundación Laboral de la Construcción (FLC). The 'Nanograde Transport 4.0', on the other hand, has those of the International Road Transport Association (ASTIC) and the Spanish Confederation of Bus Transport (CONFEBUS) and the 'Agri-Food Fruit and Vegetable Nanodegree 4.0', that of the Spanish Federation of Associations of Fruit and Vegetable Exporting Producers (FEPEX). The fourth and last to be launched, this year, has been the 'Nanodegree in Tourism, Hospitality and Gastronomy 4.0'.

Training is, without a doubt, the best bridge to promote the digitalisation of productive sectors. For this reason, this project is a solid commitment to train in new digital skills (upskilling) and contribute to the reskilling of professionals in construction, land transport, the fruit and vegetable agri-food sector and tourism, gastronomy and hospitality. Thus, since its first training in 2019, nanodegrees have exceeded more than 75,000 unique enrollees.

The student's profile

The average profile of those enrolled is led by Baccalaureate graduates, followed by graduates. In third place are those with degrees in higher education cycles (CFGS). Although the percentages are similar in all nanodegrees, it is worth mentioning a couple of data that differ slightly: in the 'Nanodegree Transport 4.0' the highest percentage of enrollees belonging to training cycles is collected, with 14%; while the 'Nanodegree in Tourism, Gastronomy and Hospitality 4.0' is the one with the highest percentage of students with a Baccalaureate degree and university graduates, with 31% and 18% respectively, and the lowest percentage of students belonging to training cycles, with 11%.

In terms of age, although the average is 34 years old, transport professionals lead the ranking with an average of almost 37. They are followed by those who belong to construction, with 35 years old. This is followed by those belonging to the fruit and vegetable agri-food sector, with 34, and, lastly, professionals in tourism, hospitality and gastronomy, with an average age of 33. Finally, with regard to the enrolment of men and women, the figures are very similar, although two exceptions can be pointed out: in the 'Nanodegree Transport 4.0' men represent 65% and women 34% and in the 'Nanodegree in Tourism, Gastronomy and Hospitality 4.0' the percentage of women enrolled is almost 59%, compared to 41% of men.

The digitalization of productive sectors

The digital revolution is marking a turning point in all productive sectors. In the case of construction, it is already a reality that manifests itself in the use of innovative materials, machinery and techniques, in the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology or the industrialization of processes. For this reason, the sector needs qualified professionals who have the right skills for the future of new construction, renovation and renovations and civil works; and the 'Nanodegree Construction 4.0' shows how to take advantage of the full potential of digitalization at your service.

The fruit and vegetable agri-food sector, for its part, must face significant challenges to maintain its sustainability and competitiveness in an uncertain scenario due to the increase in production costs and strong competition. The application of Artificial Intelligence, precision agriculture, robotization, the use of drones or the installation of sensors to detect pests or know the needs of plants are instruments that can be used to achieve this. The 'Agro-Food Nanograde. Fruit and Vegetable Sector 4.0' helps professionals and companies in the sector to adapt to Industry 4.0 and to produce more efficiently and sustainably.

In terms of road transport, some of the technologies that have revolutionised the sector are e-commerce, digital intermediation platforms and blockchain. For this reason, it has already taken giant steps towards digitalisation and, especially, towards the automation of processes, both in transport services and in the value chain. Haulier workforces are forced to acquire new skills and retrain professionally, and the 'Transport Nanograde 4.0' responds to this need. It ranges from sustainable mobility, circular economy, digital marketing and work methodologies in industry 4.0, to disciplines such as Blockchain, 5G or web analytics.

And, finally, the tourism sector is at a time when the customer is more informed than ever. Digitalisation and the proliferation of technological platforms have contributed to the growth of their autonomy and demand and, with this, the transformation of the sector is imperative to improve its competitiveness. The 'Nanodegree in Tourism, Gastronomy and Hospitality 4.0' focuses on the digital training of professionals, who acquire knowledge about concepts such as the smart tourist destination, new technologies such as home automation applied to the hotel industry or digital tools that will improve their logistics, such as the management and planning of internal processes.

Fundación Telefónica, promoting digital inclusion

Fundación Telefónica wants to be an active part of a fairer society, in which people can develop their full potential. To this end, they have used the transformative power of digital to achieve a more humane world that drives inclusion and social progress. And they have done so by promoting the development of digital skills through innovative solutions that have the capacity to improve employability, reduce the educational gap and address the new social and digital vulnerability, completely changing people's lives. All this, in addition, through a direct, differential and innovative intervention model, which focuses on people and works hand in hand with strategic partners in order to achieve a greater social impact.

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