Popular demonstrations and solidarity marches with the Gaza Strip continue in a number of Western, Arab and Islamic cities, in light of the continuation of the Israeli aggression for the 30th day on the Gaza Strip and the failure of efforts to impose a ceasefire that stops the continuous bloodshed.

The following are the most prominent demonstrations that took place today in solidarity with Gaza:


The Indonesian capital Jakarta witnessed mass demonstrations to denounce the Israeli war on Gaza and to demand a ceasefire, in which government ministers, party leaders, parliamentarians and leaders of Indonesian Islamic organizations participated.

Organizers estimated the number of participants in the demonstration at about one and a half million people. Participants raised slogans demanding the lifting of the siege on Gaza, the entry of humanitarian aid and the cessation of the war.

March in #Jakarta #Indonesia #IndonesiaBelaPalestina #FreePalestine #فلسطين_حرة pic.twitter.com/DhltOaI4hv

— Lila Dodi (@LilaDodi) November 5, 2023

United States

Thousands took part in a mass demonstration in Washington to demand an end to the Israeli war on Gaza, denouncing pro-Israel policies and the role of President Joe Biden, who demonstrators described as a "partner in genocide."

Protesters marched through the streets of Washington waving Palestinian flags, chanting slogans including "Biden, Biden you can't hide, you participated in the genocide," and then gathered at Freedom Square just steps from the White House.

!!️RIGHT NOW: Hundreds of protesters and organizers are starting to arrive in Freedom Plaza to set up for the March for Palestine in Washington, D.C.!

🫡 Rally begins at 2pm! pic.twitter.com/PgtYOBKX9G

— ANSWER Coalition (@answercoalition) November 4, 2023


Thousands demonstrated today in Marseille, southern France, in support of the Palestinians, demanding a ceasefire in the Gaza Strip.

Participants who waved Palestinian flags chanted "Children of Gaza, Children of Palestine, It's Humanity That Kills", "Liberate Gaza, Free Palestine."

The crowd also chanted "Zionists, fascists, you are terrorists," "Israel is a criminal and Macron is an accomplice," and "Palestine will win."


Turkish police today fired tear gas to disperse pro-Palestinian demonstrators in front of the Incirlik military base, which houses US weapons and troops.

The demonstration in front of Incirlik air base in southeastern Turkey was organized by the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, an organization that in 2010 led the Freedom Flotilla in an attempt to break Israel's blockade of the Gaza Strip, but was intercepted by the Israeli navy in an operation in which 10 civilians were killed.

Images circulating on social media showed hundreds carrying Palestinian flags running in a field as police chased them with tear gas and a water hose in Incirlik.

Part of the demonstration in front of Turkey's Incirlik air base (Reuters)


The Palestinian Youth Movement organized a demonstration in Toronto, Canada, in solidarity with Gaza against Israeli attacks. About 25,<> people gathered outside the U.S. consulate building, demanding a ceasefire in the Strip.

Protesters also accused Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and US President Joe Biden of "complicity in the Gaza genocide" and "supporting terrorism."


Thousands of demonstrators gathered in the capital Madrid in support of and solidarity with Palestine. Demonstrators chanted slogans calling for a ceasefire in Gaza and calling the Israeli attacks "genocide", accusing Europe of funding the "Israeli killing machine".

The cities of Barcelona, Valencia, Bilbao and Toledo have also witnessed demonstrations of solidarity with Palestine in recent days.


Tens of thousands of demonstrators gathered in a popular march in the northern city of Tangier, to support the Palestinian people and denounce the continuous Israeli bombardment of Gaza, as well as calling for an end to normalization between the Kingdom and Israel.

The march, called by the National Action Group for Palestine (an independent civilian body), roamed main streets in the city center to the Place des Nations, with the participation of demonstrators from several Moroccan cities.

The march was organized under the slogan "The Moroccan people are with the Palestinian people in the battle of the Al-Aqsa flood against the barbaric Israeli aggression and against normalization".

Tangier today. Popular march in solidarity with Palestine #gaza #Tanger pic.twitter.com/Q7Oz8PFv2d

— Hamza Elouahabi (@Hmzatng) November 5, 2023


A demonstration took place in the northern Italian city of Lodi, in support of Palestine and to condemn the crimes of the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip.


Hundreds of people in the Danish capital Copenhagen came out in support of Palestine and condemned the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Gaza, according to the account of the European Palestinian Media Center on its Facebook account.


A demonstration for Palestine was held, followed by a solidarity march in Santagma Square, the largest square in the Greek capital, Athens.

The demonstrators chanted "Freedom for Palestine", criticizing their government's policy towards Palestine and its "failure" in supporting the Palestinians.


A large number of demonstrators gathered on Alexander's Square in the German capital, Berlin, chanting "Freedom for Palestine" and holding banners highlighting the killing of thousands of children in Gaza.

In a speech at the demonstration, one protester criticized the German government's policy and silence on what is happening in Gaza.

The southern German cities of Bremerhaven and Stuttgart also witnessed demonstrations in support of Palestine and condemnation of the crimes of the Israeli occupation.


Hundreds took to the streets in the Belgian capital Brussels in support of Palestine and condemning the crimes of the Israeli occupation in Gaza.

The demonstrators waved Palestinian flags to express their solidarity with the people of Gaza.


A night demonstration took place in the Austrian capital Vienna in support of Palestine and to condemn the crimes of the Israeli occupation in the Gaza Strip.


A demonstration took place in the Swedish city of Malmö to condemn the Israeli massacres in Gaza, raising Palestinian flags.

A second demonstration took place in the Swedish city of Stockholm in solidarity with the Palestinians against the Israeli aggression on Gaza.


Dozens participated today in a march in the Nima neighborhood in the Ghanaian capital, Accra, in solidarity with Palestine and in rejection of the violations of the occupation in the Gaza Strip, and the participation of children was remarkable during the demonstration.