China News Service, Shanghai, November 11 -- On November 5, Chinese Premier Li Qiang attended the opening ceremony of the 11th China International Import Expo and Hongqiao International Economic Forum in Shanghai and delivered a keynote speech.

Li Qiang said that President Xi Jinping sent a special letter to this year's CIIE, reaffirming China's firm determination to promote high-level opening-up and promote the construction of an open world economy. As the world's first import-themed national-level exhibition, the CIIE has been actively connecting China and the world since its inception, and the role of the four major platforms of international procurement, investment promotion, people-to-people exchanges, and open cooperation has been continuously enhanced, and the attributes of international public goods shared by the world have become more prominent.

After sharing several specific "CIIE stories" with everyone, Li Qiang pointed out that economic globalization is the general trend of history and the desire of the people, and open cooperation and mutual benefit and win-win results are the wisest and most natural choices. China sincerely hopes to work with other countries to achieve mutual success on the big stage of opening up, promote economic globalization in a more open, inclusive, inclusive, balanced and win-win direction, and make greater contributions to world economic recovery and global development and prosperity.

Li Qiang stressed that this year marks the 45th anniversary of China's reform and opening up. China will continue to promote the opening up of "greater market opportunities", actively expand imports, and implement the national version and the pilot free trade zone version of the negative list for cross-border trade in services, so as to continue to create huge market dividends for the world. We will continue to promote the opening up of "better alignment of rules", build more high-level open platforms such as the Pilot Free Trade Zone and the Hainan Free Trade Port, actively promote accession to the Comprehensive and Progressive Agreement for Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Digital Economy Partnership Agreement, further relax market access, and protect the rights and interests of foreign investment in accordance with the law. We will continue to promote the opening up of "more innovation momentum", strengthen innovation cooperation and sharing of achievements with all parties, strive to break down barriers restricting the flow of innovation elements, deepen reforms in the field of digital economy, and promote the orderly and free flow of data in accordance with the law. We will continue to promote openness that is inclusive and inclusive, firmly uphold the authority and effectiveness of the multilateral trading system, fully and deeply participate in the reform of the WTO, unswervingly promote the stability of global industrial and supply chains, deepen the Belt and Road partnership, and resolutely oppose unilateralism and protectionism. At the same time, we will give full play to Shanghai's important role in opening up, promote the high-level institutional opening up of the Shanghai Pilot Free Trade Zone, and build a "Silk Road E-commerce" cooperation pilot zone in Shanghai.

Prime Minister Albanese of Australia, Prime Minister Marrero of Cuba, Prime Minister Smailov of Kazakhstan, Prime Minister Brnabić of Serbia, First Vice President of Iran Mukhber, Vice President of South Africa Mashatila, Deputy Prime Minister of Vietnam Tran Hong Ha, Deputy Prime Minister of Azerbaijan Mustafaev, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Trade of Fiji Kamikamiga, Advisor to the President of Nicaragua on Investment, Trade and International Cooperation Ortega, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Commerce of Thailand Putan, Secretary-General of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development Alan Greenspan, and about 154,1500 representatives from <> countries, regions and international organizations attended the opening ceremony.

In their speeches, the participating foreign leaders said that the CIIE has become an important platform for global economic and trade cooperation, reflecting China's commitment to deepening reform and expanding opening up, and they are willing to work with China to further strengthen cooperation in trade, investment, science and technology, infrastructure, e-commerce, health and other fields, promote the construction of the "Belt and Road", firmly support free trade, support the authoritative role of the World Trade Organization, promote trade and investment liberalization and facilitation, and maintain the stability and smoothness of international industrial and supply chains. Achieve inclusive and sustainable development in the world.

Before the opening ceremony, Li Qiang visited the enterprise exhibition. After the opening ceremony, Li Qiang toured the museum with the participating foreign leaders.

He Lifeng, Chen Jining, and Wu Zhenglong participated in the above activities. (ENDS)