Iran's Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei condemned the crimes committed by Israeli forces in the Gaza Strip, stressing that these crimes are carried out with the direct support of the United States and some Western countries.

Khamenei stressed that the governments of Arab and Islamic countries and international organizations should provide comprehensive and practical support to the population in the Gaza Strip, praising the patience and jihad of the "steadfast people of Gaza."

Iran's Tasnim news agency said the remarks came during Khamenei's reception of Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas' political bureau.

The agency added that Haniyeh gave a presentation on the latest developments on the ground in Gaza, as well as developments in the West Bank.

Hamas leader Osama Hamdan confirmed that Khamenei received Haniyeh during a visit to Tehran in recent days, and said they had held talks on the situation in the Gaza Strip.

Hamdan, speaking from Beirut, gave no further details about Haniyeh's visit to Tehran.